"My life came ful circle," said English teacher Ms. Berrios who now leads the teaching magnet
If you are in the teaching magnet, then listen up because there’s a new boss in town. Her name is Ms. Berrios, and her thoughts on the magnet will change the way you see your teachers.
English teacher Ms. Berrios is the new lead teacher for the teaching magnet. She plans to improve the magnet by working on the secondary strand for students who want to teach middle or high school and offering more courses preparing students to become better educators. She started teaching at MHS last year as a 9th grade English teacher and as FEA advisor.
What Ms. Berrios really hopes to get out of this experience is to develop student leaders and inspire others because it’s very gratifying and brings her joy. She hopes to do what others did for her, helping her become a first-generation college student. She wouldn’t be where she is today if it wasn’t for teachers like science department chairperson Dr. Hueck and English teachers Ms. Cardona and Ms. Puentes.
“I encourage every Stingaree to work hard, because hard work pays off,” said Ms. Berrios. “The teaching profession is one of the most empowering professions, if not the most, because we help others.”
The opportunity to strengthen the teaching magnet excites Ms. Berrios, who graduated as a fellow Stingaree from the teaching magnet back in the year 2008. She has a lot of work being in charge of a magnet program, sponsoring the FEA club, and teaching 6 English classes. How does she do it? “Being good at time management and giving time for what’s important and what I love to do,” she said.
Many teaching magnet students believe it’s a great idea that Ms. Berrios will now be in charge of the magnet. Sophomore Pedro Ramos said, “It’s good because she was here before and she’s my current English teacher. Plus, I know her style of teaching, and it’s well-suited for the teaching magnet.”
Sophomore Catherine Flores said, “I think the magnet will be more organized as to classes and how schedules are handled.”
Some magnet students suggested some improvements they’d like to see made now that there’s a new lead teacher. Sophomore Beverly Paiz said that people who don’t work hard enough should be kicked out of the program and a chance should be given to those who actually want to be in the magnet. Sophomore Danny Yanez would like to have the freedom to choose more electives.
The teachers who are involved in the magnet program also like the idea of Ms. Berrios taking over. Early Childhood teacher Ms. Anderson says, “I think she is really motivated and has a lot to offer and brings new ideas to the table.”
Ms. Martinez, another Early Childhood teacher, who’s worked here for more than 15 years, said, “This is one of my last years in the magnet, and I love Miami High […] I like to see the changes my students go through, and I’m very happy that Ms. Berrios is taking over.” What Ms. Martinez most wants to see improved is more program completers.
Former lead magnet teacher Ms. Bravo stated, “The magnet has gotten bigger over time and has improved over the years by adding the secondary track where students can choose between Early Childhood and Secondary teaching with FIU. I think Ms. Berrios is an excellent choice since she’s a product of the teaching magnet.”