In order to join the blue and yellow family, you must have a 2.0 GPA and attend meetings on Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. in room 3224, where you can also pick up an application.
Why Key?
Many students at Miami High join clubs to have something to invest their spare time in. For Key members, reasons for joining tend to be more social. Senior Luis Charles said, “Key knows how to be a club. They hold socials that are actually fun and aren’t awkward. Everyone knows each other, and everyone gets along.”
“I joined Key Club my freshman year because I felt that the people in the club were my type of people. I was comfortable, and everyone was really spirited. I like that it’s the club I best fit into; it’s also has some really fun services,” said Key president Larry Bravo, a senior.
Senior Nayeli Figueroa joined Key because all of her friends are there this year. “I want to enjoy my last year with a group of people I like to be around,” she said.
“I have been a part of every major club except Honoria,” said senior Ilan Moradel, “and I feel that Key was where I finally needed to settle. All my friends are in the club, and they really know how to have a good time.”
What makes Key great?
Every club is the best club in their own eyes, and many clubs are great and do things for the community that wouldn’t be possible without the type of teamwork found in the clubs. “What makes Key great is that everyone gets along, that most of us are into the same things, and a high portion of our members are involved and participate in school activities,” said senior recording secretary Rosa Aguado.
Senior historian Grethel Acevedo said, “Key is great because it’s all about giving back and helping out whether it’s playing with children, passing out food and water at services, or even putting a smile on someone’s face. It’s just a great club overall.”
Goals for this year
Key has set many goals for this year. “I want Key Club’s name to be known more than ever before to remind students which is the oldest club at Miami High. I really do believe we’ve already accomplished many things for our club this year,” said Grethel Acevedo.
Rosa Aguado said, “We already placed 2nd at homecoming; we could have gotten first, but BETA places first every year (wink wink). But now I just hope that the members keep being as involved as they are and win Powder Puff again!!!”
“My goal this year is to leave my locksmith heart of royal blue and gold in good hands and leave the thought ‘I want to join Key’ in every student at Miami High’s mind,” said senior 1st VP Jaquelyne Perez.
New Advisor
This year Key received a new advisor, English teacher Ms. Zamora, who took over from former Key advisor Ms. Vela. “I became an advisor because I believe that extracurricular activites are critical to success,” said Ms. Zamora. “I love interacting with students outside the classroom and watching them interact with each other in positive ways. I love that Key Club is a service club that encourages kids to get involved in their community. I truly believe that community involvement leads to leadership.”
Key Club is a service club that assists Kiwanis International, a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world. The first Key Club was created at Sacramento High School in California in 1925 as an all-boys club and in 1932 entered Miami Senior High.