Known for her big smile and cute laugh, senior Nancy Miranda wears many hats here at MHS. She is Beta’s 2nd VP, NHS secretary, and SGA recording secretary.
Nancy, who has been a member of Beta since 10th grade, joined because her sister, Stephanie Miranda, who graduated in 2014, was Beta’s treasurer at the time.
“Stephanie took me to many of the services and some socials,” she said. “I really enjoyed both, so that’s when I knew I wanted to join the club.”

Her favorite service since she has joined is the Miami Dade North Campus Science Fair because she gets to judge elementary students’ projects. “They also provide food, so that’s a big plus,” she said.
As Beta 2nd VP, Nancy is in charge of socials. “I shared the position with Jorge Perez, and we always tried our best to do great parties where members and nonmembers could come and enjoy themselves,” she said.
Nancy plans at least 1 social a month and 2 if possible. “Since we don’t charge our members for socials, I need to make sure that the officers bring food and also help with making decorations,” she said.
What she loves the most about her job is that nonmembers can see that even though there is club rivalry, Beta welcomes others with open arms. “At the end of the day, all the clubs are one big family,” said Nancy.
She considers Beta a second family because it has molded her into the person she is today. “From our advisor, Dr. Hueck, to the new members, we support and respect each other,” she said.
Nancy has participated in the homecoming parade with Beta since her sophomore year: as a mermaid in the Little Mermaid, a cop in Spiderman, and a park ranger this year for Jurassic Park. Since she has been a part of Beta’s 4 year win streak, Nancy believes that if Beta keeps the same charisma and dedication that they have had for the past years, then they can definitely continue winning.
Nancy’s favorite memories in Beta are related to homecoming. “Even though it’s the busiest time of the year, you get very close to those in the club because you spend SO much time with them,” she said. “All the late dance practices and building props until the day of just grow a very strong bond.”
She joined NHS her sophomore year because a lot of her friends had joined and, as Nancy says, on college applications, it is a great asset. To boost up the club, Nancy tries to let everyone know what NHS is and passes out applications to those who wish to join.
As NHS secretary, Nancy texts all the members important information about upcoming events such as meetings. “I became secretary because I wanted to help out the club more since it didn’t have that many members then,” she said.
Nancy’s hardest position is being Student Government Association’s recording secretary. “My sophomore year I was very involved with the SGA officers, such as President Marlon Acosta and Recording Secretary Sabrina Useda,” said Nancy. “I’d help with a lot of SGA activities such as the Sadie Hawkins dance. I saw how hard they worked and loved what they did for the school, so since then, I wanted to run for a position.”
She made sure to make her campaign visible all around the school by making 3 banners and multiple flyers. Nancy also made tags and passed out over 200 goodie bags during lunch.
As recording secretary, Nancy is in charge of recording the minutes and writing a summary of SGA, IOC, and Senator meetings. “I make sure to keep it very organized in a binder designated for those recordings,” she said. “I also make many banners because I’ve always enjoyed decorating and painting.”
Nancy admits that her position over all isn’t very difficult, but when SGA has events such as dances or fundraisers, all the officers have to work together under a lot of stress. “Sometimes it’s very overwhelming, but we still pull through,” she said.
Being in SGA has taught Nancy how to work with a group of people and not to be shy when speaking in front of others. So far, her favorite SGA event was Sting Idol. “Not everyone can tell someone that they hosted a singing competition,” said Nancy.
For those who wish to be a part of SGA, Nancy suggests to campaign very hard and make a lot of friends. “You must always be professional to students and especially teachers and administration,” she said. “And whenever something seems too difficult to achieve, there is no shame in asking for help.”
Outside of school
When she’s not working on events at school, Nancy enjoys hanging out with her friends, sisters, and cousins. Nancy also appreciates her alone time and to catch up on sleep and watch movies with her mom.
“I also enjoy playing with my dog, Cosita,” she said, “and yes, her name is ‘Thing’.”
An interesting fact about Nancy is that she’s very good at applying makeup. “I always try new methods and different shades on my friends and myself,” she said.
Her dream school is FSU, but since her GPA doesn’t meet FSU’s requirements, Nancy hopes to attend Tallahassee Community College (TCC) and then after two years of studying, to transfer to FSU. She’s still not sure on what she wants to study, but she enjoys psychology and physical therapy.