After four marvelous years at MHS, I can say that I have lived the high school dream. From being a part of student government, to being a Beta Knight, and participating in all school activities, I can say I didn’t sit around and wait for my years in high school to pass by.
On the first day of my freshman year, like most people, I got lost on my way to class. Coming from G.W. Carver Middle School, where everyone had decided to go to Coral Gables, I had only three friends that came along with me to Miami High. I felt very lonely due to the fact that I never really saw those friends.

My freshman year I wasn’t involved in any activities. I kept to myself and just sat in the corner of the lunch table; I was the “loner”. Surprisingly, after socializing a bit in class, I made 15 remarkable friends I still have to this day, and I thank them for that.
Bringing those friends along into my sophomore year made it a whole lot better than my freshman year. As a new sophomore, I decided to join Beta. I had heard a lot of positive things about the club, including the family atmosphere and the great socials they had. The officers and members didn’t fail to prove this to me.
With the help of club advisor Dr. Hueck and my friends in the club, I became recording secretary. My favorite year in Beta was as a senior because I participated in the Homecoming parade as a park ranger for Jurassic Park. If you’re reading this story and are a member of a club, I highly suggest being a part of the parade. Not only do you make great memories and create a family bond with the members, but how many people can actually say they were a part of a parade?
Another notable club I joined my sophomore year was the Miami High Times. Even though I had just joined the newspaper, I was given the title of Copy Editor after my first story about the new ETO system imposed on Miami High, which made the front page in the first issue. This title stayed with me until this year when I earned the prestigious title of Layout Editor-in-Chief, which is no easy task. In each issue, I lay out about 7 pages all by myself, not including the details I have to fix in other pages laid out by my peers.
My biggest story as a journalist was about this year’s Homecoming, which required many hours and interviews. Being a part of this astounding newspaper has helped me love the English language and influenced me to study public relations and marketing when I start FIU in August. This class has taught what it means to work in a group by peer editing, laying out, and communicating in order to produce something extraordinary.

Junior year was the year I was involved the most because, as junior class historian, I was in charge of all aspects of homecoming. Although I didn’t get to walk with Beta in the parade that year and couldn’t support my fellow Beta Knights in any way, I still enjoyed spending time on all the homecoming decorations and special events, such as the dance, the lunch activities, and most importantly, the parade and the football game. Seeing how all the clubs put their all into making sure their theme was represented was outstanding and incredible.
My favorite memory from my junior was when I walked through the ring during the junior ring ceremony, officially becoming an upperclassman. Having the whole junior class put on their rings together was something I’ll never forget.
Being involved in student government has made me the woman I am today. Moving up from sophomore class VP, to junior class historian, to senior class president, has taught me the leadership skills I need for the real world. Guided by sophomore class advisor Ms. Gutierrez-Carrasco, junior class advisor Mr. Portuondo, senior class advisor Ms. Rivero, SGA advisor Ms. Puentes, and Beta advisor Dr. Hueck, I have gained leadership skills and learned how to be disciplined when working with big groups of people.
The best advice I was given when I became senior class president was, “You’re the LEADER of the pack, so don’t show any weakness.” When I thought times couldn’t get more difficult or I wasn’t going to finish a task and I just wanted to give up, I repeated that advice in my head over and over again. As the leader of the pack, I found it very rewarding when seniors would say, “I had so much fun at Glow Fest!” or, “Senior week was incredible!”

If you wish to run for a position as a class or SGA officer, think hard about what you’re getting yourself into. Many people believe that being a class officer allows you to get out of class to sit around twiddling your thumbs, but, no, that’s not true. If I wasn’t in class, I was preparing pep rallies, award ceremonies, teacher luncheons, after school events, senior activities, etc.
As soon as you are given the privilege of being a class/SGA officer, it becomes your #1 priority. Forget about eating lunch with your friends and going home right after school; during lunch you sell tickets for whatever event is next and after school you’re planning the event itself.
As someone who has lived her high school years to the fullest, I’d like to share some advice with the Stings I’m leaving behind. For the freshmen reading this: don’t slack! The key to graduating is not leaving all the hard work for your senior year; try to get as much done before your senior year so you won’t have to stress.
For the sophomores: make sure to participate in homecoming! MHS is the ONLY school that has a parade with their students! It’s a terrific story to tell your friends or future kids.
For the juniors: your last year is coming soon. Make the best of it! You’re only a senior once, so check up with your counselor throughout the year to see if you’re clear to graduate. Participate in Senior Week and all school events because they are wonderful memories you can remember on a cloudy day.
I feel that I have left my mark here at MHS as a Beta Knight, senior class president, a Hall of Famer, a summa cum laude graduate, Sigma Chi, but most importantly, as a Stingaree.