Daymee shows her BETA pride at the Club Pride game on Friday, September 16th, 2016.
You might find her in the dance room spinning her flag with the Color Guard, or with Ms. Diaz de Villegas planning something for the Gay Straight Alliance (G.S.A.), or being creative with the National Honor Society. Daymee Sanchez, a junior, currently serves as the Stingarettes Co-Captain and G.S.A. President. Apart from being a leader, she is also a scholar with a 3.9 GPA taking AP and all honors courses.
In the eighth grade, Daymee heard about the Miami High state champion color guard via a friend that they were recruiting new, soon-to-be freshmen. “I knew I wanted to involved in high school,” she said. Before she originally auditioned, she began to watch videos from other color guards to learn more about the activity and, most importantly, to know how to “not mess up” during her audition.
After a lot of effort, she earned a position on the team, but was initially an alternate, which meant that she was not guaranteed spot on the team, but that changed when the school year started. “I loved my first year on the team,” she said, “I knew I was in love with Color Guard.”
During her sophomore year, she started on the sabre, or weapon line, which is a great accomplishment from when she was just a newbie. Her biggest accomplishment that year was winning the “Most Outstanding Sophomore” from the entire Color Guard, meaning that she was big on leadership, scholarship, and dedication.
At the end of her sophomore year, Daymee and 6 others ran for an officer position, and her instructor Peter Suarez selected her as Co-Captain. Her goal this year as a Co-Captain is to make sure that team is doing the best they can, make sure they rank in first place at competitions, and make it to the Tropicana Dome in Tampa, which is where the Florida Marching Band Finals are held.
“I want to make sure that they have everything they need, I want them to be happy, and especially know that I am there for them as a best friend, sister, or whatever they need,” she said.
Gay Straight Alliance
“G-S-A, G-G-S-Aaaaa,” is what Daymee heard at her first pep rally her freshman year. Identifying herself as lesbian, she knew this was the club for her, either for support or just a comfortable place where she could be herself.
After gaining vast knowledge about the club, she became Secretary during her sophomore year. “I want to make the school a safe environment and continue to help others that do not get accepted as LGBTQ+ at home,” she said.
For her junior year, she ran for President against two others, winning with over 75% of the votes. “I was nervous, and not sure if I was going to win since I was going against two seniors,” she said.
Her goals for the club are to increase membership, make the club more known in school, be more active in school activities, and make sure that GSA is the place to be yourself. Through GSA, Daymee has become very involved in the community as a Pridelines Ambassador, Rainbow Circle member, and an active youth speaker for Safe Schools South Florida.
Student Life
Daymee attended Shenandoah Middle School where she was on the honor roll various times, a student athlete, and a flamenco dancer. Slowly through her eighth grade year, she began to realize that Miami High was for her since it was the school with the most spirit, the most extra-curricular activities to offer, and the type of people she loved.
“I would like to pursue a law career in the future so I decided to apply to the Legal & Public Affairs program,” she said.
Up to this date, her favorite subject is English because she loves to analyze literature and loves to write. Her aunt, Danaize Huerta, is an alumna from the Class of 1991, which also motivated her to come to the High. Daymee has taken various AP classes starting with Spanish Language and Culture her sophomore year and is now taking AP United States History and AP Psychology.
Since Daymee keeps a busy schedule, her agenda is very important. “Planning your day and time management skills are what you need to succeed as a scholar, leader, and athlete,” she said.
She is currently the National Honor Society Historian and makes sure that any artistic aspect of the club is covered. She is also in the BETA honor society, Future Educators of America, the Historical Honor Society, Circolo Italiano, and a Student Government senator.
Personal Life
Daymee describes herself as motivated, filled with perseverance, dedicated, and an all-around student. Born on March 28th, 2000, in Miami, she was raised by her beloved grandmother since birth. She attended Citrus Grove Elementary where her biggest memory is her grandmother always dropping her and her sister Danaize off to school every morning.
She plans to apply to the University of Florida to major in Pre-Law and then attend her dream law school, Penn State Law. During her free time, she enjoys visiting the Florida International University Color Guard and attending their clinics which helps her improve. She also loves to read books by John Green and socialize with others by visiting other high schools or leadership conferences.