SGA advisor Ms. Puentes reports that on the last Friday of every month SGA will be hosting Cultural Friday, which involves playing music—sometimes holiday themed and other times culturally themed— during lunch. SGA will also be participating in the club fair on September 14 in the cafeteria to recruit people who are interested in being an SGA senator. Finally, they are putting together a drive for the people in Texas that suffered from Hurricane Harvey. They will soon be collecting medical supplies, canned foods, toiletries, etc. for community service hours. More information will be posted around the school.
SGA 1st VP Natalie Mandado reports that the senior auction for girls was on October 12th during both lunches and the 13th for boys. SGA hosted the homecoming week activities during lunch starting on October 16th. They also invited club officers to the IOC meeting on October 25th after school in the back of the library.