New head football coach Mr.Monroe said, "Exercise and self-development is how I improve the behaviors that encompass the person I want to become."
Football coach Mr. Monroe is someone many players and students at Miami High look up to for guidance, coaching and support. His love for the impact of the sport and his mentor mentality brew an amazing coach.
Coach Monroe grew up in Orlando and graduated from Dr. Phillips High School in 2011. He was raised in Orlando and lived with his parents and three sisters. “My favorite thing to do growing up was to wake up on Saturday mornings, eat cereal and watch tv,” he says. Playing outside with his friends and sisters was one of his favorite childhood memories, as he would play multiple games like football and tag and would explore the world with his friends.
Coach was involved in sports as early as he can remember. He grew up playing basketball, football, track, and others. Because he did so many sports, he had a lot of encouragement and support from his dad, grandmother, and coaches throughout his life. He says, “There was at least one coach through every phase of my life, from youth to high school to college.”
During high school, he says that he didn’t naturally excel in school but that he did average. He would say sports gave him a reason to make sure he had good grades to stay on track. He wasn’t satisfied with his grades. He said, “I wasn’t as successful as I wanted. There was always room to grow.” Nevertheless, he enjoyed high school and had a great time throughout.
After high school he attended Washington State University and after that he went to Akron University for his masters. In his freshman year in college, he wished for two more years of high school. “During this time, I was able to learn to really find myself, discover who I am, what I needed to learn and if I was ready to be an adult,” says Coach. “All in all it was a great time.”
Coach Life
Many coaches coach for the fun of the sport, but that’s not Coach Monroe. He replied, “It’s something that I have done for so long that I feel like I have become one with the sport. I am at a level of expertise in my profession that it just comes easy to me. I’m good at making players better and connecting with them on an emotional level. I know what good coaching can do to a player’s life as it’s done to mine. The least I can do is return the favor to kids who have potential to change their lives.”
Before coaching at Miami High, he coached in Wekiva Orlando for three years, West Orange High School in Orlando for two years, and in Ottawa Arizona for one year.
As a new coach at Miami High, he has a lot of responsibilities with training team members, keeping up with the football team’s social media, merch, and events. “it’s been a handful, but I have big hands,” says Coach Monroe.
Coach has been in the sports field his whole life, helping him make connections and master the mentor and leader role. As a certified coach he “learned everything from the good to the bad, what to do and what not to do, how to relate and react to other players.” He said it’s a feeling you get when you become one with a sport; that is when you just know it’s meant to be.” When asked what he wants for the Miami High team, he said “to be great.”
Teaching Timeline
Teaching was not his first career choice. He also considered trying to be an ESPN announcer or a sports show host or owning a business. He started coaching here at Miami High while he was training with the NFL, which he retired from for health reasons and wanted a shift in career. Because he was constantly around the players, someone recommended he just get a job as a teacher here. He figured that would be the best choice since he can then spend more time with the team and form relationships with the players.
He currently teaches 6 classes a day of psychology and world history. “The hardest part of teaching Is teaching students who have made up their minds that they do not want to be better in any aspect of their life,” says Coach Monroe. However, the best part would be seeing the successes of his students that became a reality with his guidance.
Personal life
He is very close to numerous family members like his sister, mother, and his uncles. The many amazing goals he has for the team, he has for himself. “My first goals are: 1. Be successful, 2. Be on TV, and 3. Be a businessman.” His ultimate goal is “to start a business or teach people a skill that can create millionaires. I want to create millionaires.”
One of his hobbies is self-development in which he improves behaviors that encompass the person he wants to become by exercising, reading, and making music. His passion for music sprung at a very early age and would be his first love. He hopes to create music and indulge in his love for producing.