Miami High Alumni, Harold Lopez, a producer of GMA with Ms. Puentes.
On August 10th,, Miami Senior High’s own Ms. Vicky Puentes was honored as a teacher and counselor who goes “above and beyond for her students” on Good Morning America (GMA), a popular American morning television program <Florida educator surprised with trip of a lifetime | GMA (goodmorningamerica.com)>. She was awarded $20,000 from VRBO, the vacation home rental organization, to put towards a dream vacation for her excellent work with students over the years, but why Ms. Puentes over millions of other educators across the country?
Ms. Puentes is CAP Advisor here at Miami High School, and a great way to describe her would be the administrator that every student should know. Ms. Puentes has been working as a teacher and counselor for nearly 20 years and as Miami High’s College Assistance Program Advisor for 5 years. Not only has she walked these halls as an extraordinary Miami High employee, but as a student as well years ago.
In the Good Morning America presentation Ms. Puentes stated, “The hours that I put in here are never wasted. Everything that I do is just to maximize somebody else’s personal human experience.” She believes that success is always in a student’s reach and their background does not dictate who they can become. She is a dedicated educator and can be found in room 3205 often meeting with students.
If you are confused about what you want to do with your future after high school, or just need a kind administrator here at Miami High School to talk to, Ms. Puentes’ is always ready to set up a meeting with a student in need and her door is always open.