WMHS Members During The HOCO Parade
Similar to electives, there is a plentiful variety of activities students at Miami High can join. Ranging from interest clubs, service clubs, and sports, you’re sure to find the right club for you to call home.
From creativity-related clubs to community-based clubs, Miami High has a vast selection of interest clubs students can join and become part of.
Thespian Honor Society
Thespian Honor Society (THS) is a club for students who have an interest in theater. Club president Mellany Gaitan says that THS does a variety of things like the spring musical, the Christmas show, competitions, one-acts, parades, and more.

Not only is THS ideal for someone who has an interest in theater, but also those interested in the skills that are needed for a successful theater performance. “You don’t need to be in a theater class to join our club,” says Mellany. Anybody can join and it’s not just acting; it’s also making sets, playwriting, make-up, costume, directing or helping direct and back stage crew.
“If you’re part of the club I hope you’re committed somewhat to helping out. I hope it’s also more of an interest like you want to be with these people and you want to work on your improv and things like that,” says Mellany.
Mellany plans for THS members to meet 2-3 times a month for informational meetings and for activities.
Million Dollar Band
From pep-rallies to football games, the Million Dollar Band (MDB) is responsible for the musical performances at events and competitions.
MDB member Celest Velasquez said, “I like that it’s not toxic and everyone is friends with each other and we just have fun all the time.”
Members of MDB say it’s a club that requires a lot of commitment including time and money, but that it’s worth everything. “So far I have enjoyed performing at our football games and during the half-time show,” she said. “We practice marching, our music, and physical activity. In a week it’s not too busy for me. I have Monday and Wednesday rehearsals, and I have time for homework and to practice music.”
WMHS centers around film production and is the video production student team for Miami High. Members also record school events like dances and sports games.
Treasurer for WMHS Ariana Gonzalez said, “We all have the same energy and we all get along together, so when we do our shows, we all click and we all connect and our show goes smoothly.”
WMHS members last year also held the WMHS podcast, where Miami High students could tune in and listen in on topics relating to environmental and social issues. Club president Moises Reyes and the members of WMHS have plans on continuing that podcast as well as possibly create a new podcast.
Members are also currently working to bring back the live morning announcements that were shown before Covid struck.
“WMHS is very accommodating and as my job as treasurer, it doesn’t occupy a lot of my time and we all work together and it makes things much simpler,” said Ariana. She says WMHS requires some level of commitment, as members must attend meetings if they wish to record school events during and after school.
Members meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3 p.m. in room 3201.
Gay-Straight Alliance
Many students at Miami High consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community, and if you do too, the Gay-Straight Alliance club (GSA) at Miami High might be the club for you.
In the words of club vice president Lloyd Busto, “GSA is about eliminating the boundary between straight people and the LGBTQ community and come together so people understand what LGBTQ really is and it’s not just some label that people think it is.”
At GSA meetings members have fun and enjoy each other’s time, including socials, and discuss confusing topics such as what does it mean to be non-binary and what does queer mean.
GSA members meet bi-weekly on Monday’s from 2:30 to around 3:30 in room 1243. “We encourage you to go to the meetings because we’re trying to be active again,” says Lloyd. GSA has plans on participating in the homecoming parade this October.
Educational clubs are for students who enjoy their classes so much that they want to continue learning outside of the classroom.
English Honor Society
For those who love to read and discuss different English topics, try out English Honor Society (EHS)!

“What I enjoy most about this club is the members and the union or gathering of everyone as a team,” says club president Shailoh Reyes. “I get very excited when the meetings come. In this club there is a great commitment in which I never miss a day. I enjoy every moment I have with all of them.”
At meetings they have Power Points planned, talk about things they have to get done as a club, and usually have games at the end for fun. For Shailoh, she has so far enjoyed the paint-a-can activity from last year, in which she and club members painted and decorated a can to represent EHS.
EHS currently do not have set meeting dates but have their meetings whenever it is more suitable for members and officers. Club members meet in room 3206 and make sure to follow them on Instagram (@mhs_ehs) to know when their next meeting will be.
Science National Honor Society
Many Miami High students have plans on becoming STEM majors after high school, the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) might be the perfect club for them.
“Our club, when we meet, we do experiments and we show students about what they’re learning in their classes,” says club president Rosalyn Morin. “We also tutor students who are struggling in their science classes.”
Rosalyn has plans for SNHS, including a mangrove project. “Since we are a science club we want to bring light to the fact that there is climate change so we hopefully will be having a mangrove project to help prevent floods,” she said.
SNHS meets once or twice every month from 2:30 to 3 pm in room 3304.
To those who like to extend a helping hand or who simply want to gain community hours, consider joining one of these service clubs! You might just find a forever home in any one of these communities of people who have the same mindset: voluntary efforts are important!

Honoria is one of the many service clubs here at Miami High. Club member Carlos Aguilar Perez said, “What I like best about our club is that we strive to be a family. We care a lot about our members. We are a spirit club and our main goal is to allow our members to enjoy their time in high school.”
Honoria hosts activities during holidays including the Valentine Day Dance during the month of February.
When asked how Honoria fits into a regular week in his life, Carlos says he has enough time between his classes, social life out of school, after school activities, and time to be committed to Honoria.
Honoria meets every Wednesday from 2:30 to 2:45 pm in room 5215.
Key Club
Another service club worth considering is Key Club! “I love the ambience, we’re like a family and we all know each other,” said vice president Adriana Chacon.
Key Club is a club that specializes in community service hours. They give students the opportunity to do service hours and get their credit. “We mainly do it to help. We also want our members to get along and want to become part of the family,” she said.
Adriana’s favorite Key Club activity so far was when the club was invited to a fundraiser in Coral Gables with the Kiwanis, their club sponsors. They sold sodas and snacks, held a parade, and overall had great fun together as a club.
“We want to help the students do their community service but we also want to help the community itself. We want students to be more involved and committed in everything we do,” said Adriana.
Key Club meets every Wednesday at 2:30 in room 1117.
For club President Ashanti Mizarahi, Interact is the place to bond and connect with people.
“Whether it’s my officers, members, or advisor, I love to feel connected with other people. I like to talk and communicate with others,” she said.
At meetings, members participate in activities including “Member Minute”, when someone dedicates a minute to talk about anything they want to.
They also have another activity called “The Four Way Test” which is the club’s moral code. “It is basically our motto for Interact and we take a lot of pride in it!,” she said.
Interact has meetings every Wednesday at 2:30 pm in room 3212.
If you’re into sports and want to make it big, or simply just have fun, Miami High has a very wide range of sports students can try-out for and join.
Miami High has an amazing football team. Left tackle Rafael Suarez said, “I find football as a distraction from problems that I deal with. I feel a sense of freedom when I play.

The team that I play with gives me the best opportunities. I’ve seen guys leave and come back because of the opportunities we give them. This team can make people shine when other teams don’t.”
Rafael adds that while being on the team is rewarding, it requires a lot of commitment. “It affects a lot of my ‘regular week’ being on the team,” he said. “We’re not able to go home as early as we want to. You’re giving your time and effort to be a football player and that’s what makes the grind worth it because most likely, that commitment pays off.”
The football team has practice Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 6:00, sometimes 7:30 at the latest. Their most recent game was a victory on October 7th against the Coral Gables at our home field Curtis Park.
The bat-and-ball sport is another of the many sports Miami High. Pitcher Jose Fonseca said, “Our practices are mostly running and practicing defense. Right now we are in the fall season so we have games on the regular,” says Jose. The team practices around 3 times a week when they don’t have games and they last from 2:30 to 7 p.m.
Jose says it’s stressful being involved in the baseball team: “I have practice till around 7 p.m. and have to do homework and I’m tired at that point.” He says it takes a lot of commitment being on the team because it is extra work on top of his classes.
What Jose loves about being on the team though is that his coach gives him chances to play and he has his friends on the team who make the experience all the more fun.
For volleyball setter Christophe Zombrana, being on the Miami High volleyball team is a meaningful experience.
“I enjoy being competitive and bringing out the best in me to win. I have met amazing and great people who I call my family,” he said.
The team has practice everyday after school from 7 to 9 p.m. and even have practice on the weekends from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. They practice their serve-receive as it is an important factor in a game.
“It’s a big commitment. You must sacrifice a lot of time to the sport and being on the team,” said Christophe.
His favorite activity so far was when the team played against Cypress Bay High School, though it was a loss. Their last game was May 13th, 2022 against Winter Park High School during the state tournament.
Short List of Clubs and Activities offered at Miami High:
Interest Clubs: Service Clubs:
-Photography -Key Club
-WMHS -Honoria
-Million Dollar Band -Interact
-Gay-Straight Alliance Sports:
-Anime Nation -Boys and Girls Volleyball
-R-Tec -Boys and Girls Basketball
Educational Clubs: -Boys and Girls Soccer
-English Honor Society -Baseball
-Science National Honor Society -Water polo
-Law and Leadership Honor Society -Cheer
-Mu Alpha Theta