Rulan as a mouse with a cookie.
Miami Senior High has its fair number of teachers that will truly leave you wondering why they don’t get as much appreciation or acknowledgement as others seem to have. One of these teachers in question is Ms. Rulan, a caring biology teacher in the science department who has helped many of her students leave from regular classes to honors.
Being a Teacher
Ms. Rulan, despite having many students come back to her year after year telling her how much they enjoyed her biology class, did not originally wish to be a biology teacher. Growing up in Havana, Cuba, she came to the United States at the age of 14 into Hialeah High and eventually graduating from Miami-Dade College with a degree in Earth & Space Science. She had a close family dynamic growing up, with her mother who was also a teacher leading the household.
She took up painting in her childhood, still being one of her hobbies to present day, and won awards for her artwork. Besides her talent in painting, she wanted to become a doctor once she grew up but ended up getting sidetracked. Later, she considered a career as a geologist. However after getting her degree, she realized, “I didn’t want to work in crude oil in Texas.”
In the end, she settled on teaching biology after being needed for it, getting good results from her students due to her teaching in that subject. With this, she ended up winning ‘Rookie Science Teacher of the Year’.
Outside of her teaching profession, Ms. Rulan has a variety of hobbies ranging from books she enjoys to thrilling activities she indulges in after school. Some of these activities include just being a mother and caring for her children, while more fun stuff includes camping, kayaking and water sports.
Books she enjoys to read are mostly under the fantasy genre, and her all-time favorites are ‘The Silmarillion’ and any books written by J.R.R Tolkien. She really likes any genre of music except for heavy metal, but hates Bad Bunny specifically and any type of music involving misogyny.
Although she currently does not have the time to run any clubs down here at Miami High, she would love to run an environmental club in the school that was disbanded some time ago.
Goals and Aspirations
Ms. Rulan has no interest in retiring from her job any time soon, but she does have some plans for when that time finally arrives: wanting to travel the world.

Apart from her own aspirations, she has some in mind for her students once they leave her class. She hopes that every student she has taught over the years at least learned something in her class. She also wishes for her students to stay happy and healthy outside of her classroom environment once they go.