Winter pep rally 2022. Big four clubs showing their school spirit.
Clubs at Miami High are truly the heart of the school as they bring the spirit and coordinate activities for the students. The clubs at MHS are completely run by students, and only advised by one teacher or administrator. Club members work together with a group of students to brainstorm fun activities. The leaders of these group of students are better known as the club officers.
In each club, whether it’s an interest club, honor society, or student government, there are a certain number of officer roles to fill. Those include president, 1st VP, 2nd VP, treasurer, corresponding secretaries, recording secretaries, and lastly historians. Running for these positions requires responsibility and dedication to make the experience from the candidates
A clubs’ main goal is to engage their members in activities and to become involved in their school. Melanie Ramos is an officer of multiple clubs: President of Law and Leader Honor Society (LLHS), vice president for FBLA, and corresponding secretory of class of 23. She says, “The best part about being an officer is the bonds you create, as well as being exposed to how activities run in this school and working alongside great advisors to create a fun school year for everyone.” For Science National Honor Society (SNHS) historian Jaime Acosta, the best part is the title itself. He said, “Whether it be president, treasurer, secretary or historian, it’s a privilege.”
Most officers can easily say what it’s like being an officer and how fun it may be, but with fun come long planning and work to make activities play out perfectly. “I am always making sure everyone is on the same page,” says SGA President Thalia Benoit, “making sure everyone’s doing what they’re supposed to be doing to meet their deadlines.” Angela Caceres, the BETA treasurer says the hardest part of being an officer is time management. “Taking AP classes and having to complete my obligations as an officer and a student leader forced me to learn how to manage my time to execute everything well.”
Being an officer is a learning journey because you learn to work with others as well as dealing with problems at hand and figuring out solutions together. SGA President Thalia Benoit says, “You’re not always going to agree with everyone, but you have to find a common ground. Compromise and teamwork are what being an officer has taught me.” Similarly, Melanie Ramos says being an officer has taught her to be less stubborn and has accepted that not everything has to go her way.
Faith Garcia is Intouch president and believes time management and responsibility is what she has learned so far in the year as officer; “being an officer can teach you skills that you can apply in many other aspects of your life and its very rewarding.” Officers join clubs because of the unity of the club. Everyone is welcome to join clubs and with the certain requirements you can be in honor societies as well. There’s a place for everyone in this school and most find out at quarterly club fairs.
Club fairs, meetings, socials, and services are what showcase the clubs to members, they are advised to become involved by friends and other members of the club. BETA’s head secretary Mae-Lynn says what truly encouraged her to become an officer was homecoming season. “During that time, I met a lot of new people and worked together to create amazing artwork for homecoming which got us to first place.” Honoria Treasurer Aylin Villegas says she had an amazing experience during homecoming with Honoria. She says, “I met a lot of new friends and encouraged me to be more involved and I later was recognized as a historian for Honoria.”
There are many opportunities to become an involved member to multiple clubs that play in to your personal, academic interest or goal. If you’re thinking of running for officer, “Go for it, being an officer is great but some advice I will give is communication is the most important thing.” Says Honoria Corresponding Secretary Jaden Montoya.
What are the Officer Positions?
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
Sergeant @ Arms