BETA officers and members at this years BETA Olympics.
BETA’s president Angela Caceres is immensely proud to announce how busy the club was over the summer. They hosted their annual BETA Olympics, and it was a tremendous success. “We had a lot of our members come out during summer and enjoy a social before the school year started. Everyone had fun and created a lot of new friendships and memories,” says Angela. On top of that, BETA gave people the chance to get community service hours during the summer with marathons, cleanups and more.
The first BETA meeting of the year will be on September 6th, where they will announce their Homecoming theme. BETA encourages members to come by the BETA room to help with the homecoming parade once they reveal their theme.
Additionally, they have an upcoming service on the 23rd and 24th of September. It is a two-day marathon service where they help set it up on the first day and then help with the marathon on the second day. Finally, jersey orders are on the way. And don’t forget to wear your BETA merch on BETA Wednesdays!