Natalie Morales
WMHS's Studio
WMHS, Miami High’s film production team, is going big this year! If you haven’t heard yet, TV Production students and members of WMHS are now hosting the Stingtown News Brief, which serves as a teaser show before they officially launch their big show on September 11th. Every morning at 10:26, teachers and students can tune into the live broadcast, where they give information related to school news such as commercials for “Safe Crocking”, uniform policy, and sports games announcements. The new TV Production teacher and WMHS advisor Mr. Amaya shares that they have many ideas on what more the show can include, like having segments for sports, weather, student and teacher spotlight, school elections, world events, and so much more. If anyone is interested in being part of the production, see Mr. Amaya in 3201. As they continue to set up, we can soon expect more from the amazing team at Stingtown News. (By Natalie Morales)