Senior Omar Vega working at Haagen-Daz.
When I first started working, I was 15 years old in my sophomore year. I worked at Bolay Kitchen where I constructed salad bowls. Later in my sophomore year, I started working at Haagen Daz where I scooped ice cream. Since I was little, I wanted to work and loved the idea of making my own money. I’ve worked for three years now, and I’ve gotten used to managing school and work. But how exactly do high school students balance these two responsibilities?
Does work interfere with school
Working as a high school student can be difficult. Senior Omar Vega, who works at Haagen Daz, says, “The hardest part about working after school is going to another environment where you interact with so many people. It can be very draining.” Omar prefers to have some time after school to unwind before going to work so he doesn’t become too overwhelmed.
Junior majorette Janeisy, who works at Azucar, says, “Working after school does interfere with practices because sometimes, I have to leave early to go to work.”
“I work to buy things that I love such as makeup, clothes, and food since I stay after school for rehearsals,” states junior Isabella Yera, who works at Hollister. “I try to only work weekends so I can avoid falling behind on schoolwork and after school activities, and I’m less tired.”
Senior Madeline Trejo, who works at Starbucks, says that work does not interfere with school because she has open-job training (OJT), which is a program where students can hold a job and continue to take their core classes without any interference. “Last year,” Madeline says, “I didn’t have OJT, so it was very hard to get to work on time since my job is in Coral Gables.”
Why do you work
There are many activities at Miami High that you pay to participate in. Being involved in school can get pricey. For example, games range from five to ten dollars. Club and class shirts range from ten to fifteen dollars. There are other expenses such as band fees, cheerleading uniforms, color guard equipment.
Junior majorette Janeisy says that she works to pay for her band fees. Even though the band fundraises, it may not always be enough to cover every fee.
Those who aren’t as involved pay less than others. Senior Valeria Sulbaran says, “I mainly work to save money for a car and my future. I also like to spend money on myself because I deserve it.” She also says she spends money on class shirts and club fees.
Another expense students have is car payments and insurance. Senior Matthew Rodriguez, who took an internship here at Miami High where he got paid, saved his money for his car expenses such as insurance and gas.
Madeline agrees. “My car is a big expense since it is a newer model, so I have to consider monthly car payments, high insurance, and how much gas I use since I live far from the school and work,” she said.
How do people find jobs
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “In July 2023, 55.0 percent of young people (persons ages 16 to 24) were employed in the U.S.” Miami is a very big city with lots of job opportunities.
Jobs have become easily accessible to the youth through online websites such as Indeed and LinkedIn. But there are other ways to get employed. You can be recommended, pick up physical applications or some establishments create Microsoft forms which people can fill out as an application. When I was employed at Haagen Daz, I was recommended by a close friend, went to the interview, and was hired.
Similarly, Janeisy J was recommended by a friend to Azucar, and she was hired. Valeria Sulbaran applied to Sushi Maki through Indeed and they called her to schedule an interview.
Isabella Yera went out to the mall with her friends and saw a Help Wanted sign posted on the door of Hollister. She submitted an online application, and they called her back for an interview.
Matthew Rodriguez was able to get an internship here at Miami High. He says “There are many internships that they offer to high school students, and some pay their interns!” Matthew is a member of the College and Career Club which is advised by Ms. Garcia, who offered this internship to the members of the club. He applied through the Smart Path website.
Jobs that are hiring and their pay
Starbucks- $15.00
H&M- $16.00
Milam’s Market- $15.00
Checkers- $12.00
Joe and the Juice- $13.50
Wendys- $12.00