Social media is a way for people to interact with others and create, share, and exchange information, events, and ideas. Although social media has its good aspects, it can affect others in negative ways. Cyberbullying is something that people contribute to when using their platforms to harass, threaten, or embarrass another person. Supporters don’t take a break from their social media because they want to remain active and involved with what’s going on.
Drawbacks social media has on society
Being constantly active on social media causes you to seek validation from other people. Invalidating and degrading yourself are things people do on a daily basis. At times they don’t even realize how much of a negative aspect social media is taking on them. Emily Rodriguez, a junior, says, “I often spend too much time on Instagram and TikTok to the point that I start comparing myself with other people and wonder why I don’t look like that.”
Gabriel Nunez, a sophomore, states, “People post on social media not knowing how that is affecting other people. I think they forget how public social media really is.”
If there’s one thing social media does is influence people to do things disregarding whether it might have positive or negative consequences. Once you post something on the internet and on your platforms, it remains there forever, no matter if you delete it or not. People should be more aware of what they post and be more concerned about their safety as well.
Mental toll social media has on others
Social media affects teenagers more than the rest of the population due to the amount of time they tend to spend on it. Tara Wright, a senior, stated, “Once I start feeling that social media is beginning to affect my mental health, I deactivate and delete those apps.” The best thing to do once you feel like you are comparing yourself to others on social media too much is to log off.
In the article, “8 Tips to Protect Your Mental Health from Toxic Social Media”, posted on the website for Maryland Primary Care Physicians, Olivia Cook, a Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner, states that while social media is a positive part of many of our lives, this 24/7 connection also has risks for our emotional well-being. In fact, a survey from the American Psychiatric Association reports that more than a third of Americans view social media as harmful to their mental health.
Most of the time the reason social media is affecting you is the constant comparing that goes in between you and society. Knowing how valuable and unique you are from other people is a great way to remember that not everything you view on platforms is the way it seems.
Ways to boost your self-image
Being on social media often can cause you to have doubts about yourself even if it’s for a split second. Comparing yourself to others whether it’s your lifestyle, physical appearance, or even the different mentality that you might have from others might cause you to start feeling insecure.
Analis Garcia, a sophomore, states, “A way that I typically boost my self-confidence is by trying out new things, changing up my hairstyle and getting inspired from various makeup looks.”
While social media does have its drawbacks it has also helped others be more confident in themselves and has given them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and grow interest in things that they had no understanding about. Michael Guiterrez, a senior, says “Being on social media has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. I have been more inspired and more influenced because of what I view on various platforms.”
Platforms that teens use the most