Matthew's senior pictures with all of the club's jerseys he's in.

Matthew Rodriguez is a friendly face in the halls of Miami High. He is a student that has left his mark on this school. Now a senior, he’s embarking on a new journey but wants to leave a message to those who want to get involved.
Extra Curricular Extraordinary
Miami High has a lot to offer their students with over 20 different clubs. Matthew Rodriguez has taken great advantage of this, and over his four years at Miami High he has joined 8 clubs and became officer for 5 of them. The clubs he’s joined are Beta, College and Career, InTouch, Student Government Association, National Honor Society, Tri-M, Dual Enrollment AA Cohort, and Choir.
In just his sophomore year, he was appointed by the president Sophia Marticorena to be College and Career Club (CCC) 1st vice president. He was an officer all his sophomore year but decided to just be a member of CCC in his junior year.
“InTouch is a club that was created during my sophomore year, and I became a founding officer as head historian,” he said. Matthew loved the message and purpose of InTouch which is “Mental Health Matters, End the Stigma.” He grew to love the club and despite loving the head historian position, he wanted a more hands-on role, so he ran for 1st vice president and won.
Matthew likes to think of his sophomore and junior years as a path in which he took every opportunity to try new things. He won SGA Corresponding Secretary, where his job was to run the TikTok and the senior college decisions page. This role is where the love for social media management sprung.
In Beta, there is a Public Relations position where you run the club’s Instagram and TikTok. Not only did he run for this position for what the role entails, but because he wanted to be a closer part of Beta. He continues to be PR for Beta in his senior year.
Matthew is also a part of the choir and has been involved since his freshman year. “It wasn’t until my junior year where I decided I wanted to play a bigger role in making choir fun and a tight knit family,” he said, “which is why I ran for 2nd vice president.” The 2nd vice president organizes socials for the choir.
“I hold all these clubs dear to my heart because they guided me in different moments of my life,” Matthew said. However, there is one club that he is most passionate about and it is Beta. He has been a member since his freshman year, and he has become a proud member and officer.
“Being a part of Beta has not only taught me patience,” he said, “but also what it’s like to be a team.” During the homecoming parade, Beta won 2nd place, losing their streak of winning 1st place after 11 years. That experience brought them closer together because it taught them to be strong and be there for each other. Matthew says, “No matter what, your team is your family, and we have to stick by each other.”
For any students wishing to join clubs and participate in extracurriculars, Matthew encourages everyone. “Just go for it, join clubs and make friends,” he said. “You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

Matthew remembers his childhood being fun and exciting. “When I was little, my favorite thing to do was pretend I was a famous pop star,” Matthew shares. “I would perform concerts for my families and my stuffed animals.” Since he can remember, he wanted to be like his favorite musical artists.
Matthew was born and raised in Miami. He feels immense comfort, and nostalgia when reminded of his childhood in Little Havana. Matthew loves the warm “pastelitos” and “croquetas” from his local bakery. His childhood was enjoyable. Though he faced challenges, it’s shaped him into the person he is today.
High school experience
His most memorable high school experience was when he participated in his first homecoming with Beta. Their theme was Aladdin, and they won first place. He relives the experience, he said, “I remember the rush of joy I felt for like a week. I was so proud that we all worked so hard, and we won.”
He says he decided to be involved because he wanted to make special memories which opened his eyes to all the opportunities at Miami High, not only great education, but a place to have fun.
“I’m friends with people who go straight home when the bell rings at 2:20,” he said, ‘and they always wish they had gotten involved sooner to live their four high school years to the fullest.”
As many triumphs as Matthew has enjoyed, he also endured a loss which he had to overcome. In his junior year, he ran for SGA president for his senior year. He campaigned and recruited supporters for many days, taping up posters on the school hallways and handing out treats. He did not win the election. That was a hurdle he had to jump, and it was hard for him. However, this experience taught him that things do happen for a reason, and sometimes for the better.
One major accomplishment Matthew is looking forward to this year is graduating with an associate’s degree from Miami Dade College. Matthew has worked twice as hard during his years here at Miami High to graduate with a high school diploma and an MDC degree. Once he walks the stage at Miami High, he will have a two-year head start in college and take junior level college classes as a freshman.
Goals after high school
Matthew would love to study media management. He does not exactly know where he is headed, but he is excited about making his decision. “I have grown too comfortable at Miami High where I have made valuable connections.” Matthew said. “Stepping into this new chapter, the possibilities are endless.”
While in college he would like to join a frat, dance or cheerleading, SGA, and musical theatre. Matthew will continue to make the most out of any experience in college and wants to enjoy it even more than high school.