As we get ready to say farewell to the graduating class of 2024, we reflect on the four transformative years they’ve shared. Watching each other evolve and mature into young adults has been a remarkable journey filled with memories and growth.
Now, they stand on the threshold of the real world, each of them ready to begin their own unique paths. Some will continue their academic journey at various universities and colleges, while others will dive straight into the workforce right after receiving their high school diplomas. And then there are those who are still uncertain about the road ahead, and just wish to continue exploring their options and possibilities.
Despite the uncertainty, one thing is for sure. The bonds they’ve made and the experiences they’ve shared will forever shape their futures. So, as we part ways and embark on new adventures, let’s carry with us the lessons learned and the friendships cherished, knowing the best is yet to come.
Transitioning from Miami High to Real Life
Starting a new journey is exciting, scary, and fun. Senior Layla Lopez says, “I’m excited to leave home and explore a whole new different environment.”
Some feel ready for this change, but others like senior Andre Rodriguez are still getting used to the idea. He says, “I think I haven’t quite had that realization that I’m graduating soon, but it’s starting to feel more and more real as days go by.”
Senior Andrea Hernandez says, “I’m definitely ready to take the next step into a new journey. High school has been fun and enjoyable, but I want to see what college has to offer.”
Senior Francesca Franco says, “I’m still not sure how I feel about leaving high school since I don’t know what to do once I receive that diploma.”
Plans after graduating Miami High
As seniors, we have all have one thing in common, and that’s walking that stage and shaking Principal Valdes’ hand. But once we achieve that goal, we all wonder where life is going to take us after. Senior Daranys Valdes says, “After high school, I want to enjoy my summer, but once that fall semester begins, I’m ready to attend Miami Dade College.”
Senior Michael Gutierrez says, “I’m attending Florida International University in the fall and majoring in psychology. I’m nervous to attend because I know FIU has a pretty big campus.”
Some of us have been planning on what to do for quite some time now, while others still don’t know what’s going to happen after high school or what our plans could be. Senior Genesis Franco says, “Right now I’m torn between attending University of South Florida and going on the pre-dental track or enlisting to become part of the United States Marine Corps.”
Future beyond high school
Everyone has different paths, but some of us are more certain than others about how we want our future to be. Senior Amelia Gomez says, “I plan on getting a degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. I want to become an ultrasound technician, and right now that’s my long-term goal.”
Senior Isabella Martinez says, “I’m ready to graduate, but I’m also ready to start making real money which is why I’ve decided to declare my major in accounting. I’m excited to see where this will take me in life.”
After high school we get curious about what journey life is going to lead us to. Senior Daniel Vasquez says, “I’m not sure how my life is going to be after high school, but I am certain that I intend to life my live to the fullest.”
Obstacles you’ve faced along the way
We all have had our own fair share of challenges and setbacks while in high school no matter how big or small those obstacles have been. They remain with us and teach us lessons.
Senior Miranda Garcia says, “I’ve faced many things these past four years, and they have affected me deeply. But I rather see it as things that life threw in my way to be able to blossom into a more mature version of myself.”
Senior Martin Rodriguez says, “Things haven’t been the easiest during the past four years, but I’m grateful for my friends and family because they have always been a great support system.”
Senior Camila Quintana says, “I’m proud of myself for being able to reach this milestone in my life after being told that I wasn’t going to be able to make it because of my experiences.”
Memories from the High
As we get ready to say goodbye to the place that has been our second home for four years, you think to yourself about what memories you cherish the most from the High.
Senior Emily Rodriguez says, “I will miss my sophomore year the most. I remember the excitement of picking my classes for the next year and seeing how fun it is to be involved with things around school.”

Senior Ashley Sarria says, “My time at Miami High has been a rollercoaster. There are so many memories and stories. It has been the place that has seen me grow not only as a student but as a person as well.”