Ms. Velasquez isn't like every other teacher here at Miami High. She has this talent to make you actually want to learn and build a relationship with her.

9th grade English teacher Kiara Velasquez isn’t like every other teacher here at Miami Senior High, not just because of her age compared to other teachers, but because of the love she shows to her students. She has this talent to make you actually want to learn and build a relationship with her.
Her journey of becoming a teacher
She attended Hialeah middle and high, and then FIU where she studied English Literature and began working as a sub in 2011. Her first full-time job as a teacher was in 2014 at Miami Springs Senior High for 2 years, and Hialeah High, but she was only there for a year. She came to Miami High about 2 years ago to gain more experience in the administrative area, which she is currently studying for.
Ms. Velasquez didn’t always want to be an English teacher. At some point, she wanted to be a beauty editor for a magazine or a news anchor. However, when she was in high school, one of her AP English teachers would speak so beautifully about the profession that she just had to give it a try.
Clearly, she stuck with it. Ms. Velasquez says, “I wouldn’t rethink my choice of being a teacher. I genuinely love my job and have fun every single day. I’ve learned you get more out of students by building a relationship with them first. They have to know you truly care about them to really put in the time and effort to succeed in class.”
Her Relationship with her students
She adds, “Building authentic relationships with students not only enhances their performance in class but also reduces behavior issues.”
Her students are comfortable approaching her with their problems. She says when it comes to understanding, there’s an appropriate time and place. Some advice that Ms. Velasquez offers her students is to stay true to their beliefs and values. Her most popular quote to use with them is: “Your authenticity matters. Always speak your mind. Your voice holds significance and deserves to be heard.”
Ms. Velasquez shows she really cares for her students. During her lessons she and her students maintain a serious mode. Ms. Velasquez has a way of making a lesson engaging for students who pay attention and have the motivation to actually learn something. She says, “My passion and love for my job is evident to my students, setting a strong foundation.”
Life outside from teaching
Ms. Velasquez loves to work out, but she doesn’t like it just to look good. She does it to manage her stress, working on meditation and breathing in her free time. She also enjoys having dinners.
Colombia is Ms. Velasquez’s birthplace and where she grew up. Some of her best memories growing up were with her dad. She also enjoyed playing with her brother and sisters at the park.
“Colombia offers a peaceful environment unlike the fast-paced lifestyle in Miami,” she says. “Colombia’s culture values living in the moment and cherishing human interactions over constantly sharing on social media. While I occasionally find myself moving too quickly, I truly appreciate the emphasis on being present and connecting with others.”