Mr. Strickland assisting a student with their assignment in his classroom.
If I had a magic wand, there are a lot of things I would change about Miami High School. And I’m not the only one.
The first thing I would change is the 12th graders’ class schedule. They have 8 classes for no reason. Instead, they should have five classes they really need to complete.
If I could change a 2nd thing about my school, it would be the school tardiness policy. Some of us rely on school or public transportation. Some bus drivers are tardy or don’t show up at all. I feel like there should be a grace period on school tardiness for at least 15 minutes after the school bell rings. Anything could happen as to why the transportation system didn’t show up on time and, therefore, we as students are not on time for school. Math teacher Mr. Strickland said, “If I had a wand, I would want school to be safe for learning, so there is no pulling people down, no bullying, and no worrying what people. Another thing is paying teachers more money.”
Reading teacher Ms. Lopez also wants to see teachers paid bet

ter. She said, “Pay teachers a well, so we get better qualified people to want to teach the future minds.”
She also would like to see less mandating of statewide exams and more time to teach the standards. “We also need a platform where teachers from all over the country can share great lessons, Power Points, and ideas so all educators have the opportunity to use these resources so that students can really learn the standards not just for right now, but forever,” she said.

English teacher Ms. Lacy said, “I would want to change the A/C at Miami High so we can control how hot/cold my class can be. Now, it’s too hot.” Ms. Lacy also wishes we could have more entertaining books to engage the students. She also wants more lunch options for teachers around campus or “maybe selling different foods on campus.”
I agree with that. We should change the school lunch. I would get better food that the students will eat. For example, letting them go off campus or creating a questionnaire box that students can fill up with suggestions about what can be done to improve the school lunch.