Baby Stings

Freshman Angel Navas loves the school spirit Miami High has.


Freshman Yhodelfy Duran loves how beautiful the buildings are.

Standing in front of the big wooden doors of Miami High with your palms sweaty and heart pounding out of your chest, you take a big gulp and build up the courage to step inside into your freshman year.
The night before your first day, you think of all the worst case scenarios about high school, but they turn out like nothing you expected.
“I thought they were going to pick on me,” said freshman Arlen Navarro.
Freshman Diana Solis said, “My first day was great. I never expected everyone to be friendly and make me feel comfortable.”
“It was easier than I thought it would be. People always told me freshman year is the scariest year,” said freshman Elizabeth Echevarria.
Finding your way
Every freshman’s nightmare is getting lost and not knowing where to go. 9th grader Michael Moreno got lost going to his automotive class. “They sent me to the 2nd building and then to the 7th building. I was ten minutes late,” he said.
Freshman Geraldine Ruiz had a hard time trying to find the 4th and 3rd building. Freshman Erick Ochoa said he got lost only because he didn’t see the building numbers anywhere.
Although Freshman Bryan Alfonso found his way around, he would’ve liked to have a map to guide him. “They should have a map of the school on the MHS app,” he said.
Freshman Luis Martinez was lucky enough to have friends in other grade levels to show him around.
Making Friends
Some found making friends in a new school to be very easy. “My teachers make us sit in assigned groups so it makes it easier to talk to new people,” said freshman Antonia Cervantes.
Freshman George Lanza said, “I just started making conversations about homework.” Arlen Navarro said that joining the football team made it easier to befriend people.
On the other hand, freshman Britney Cruz didn’t really make new friends. “I stayed with the same friends from middle school,” she said.
The Differences
Some freshmen, however, noted some big differences between middle school and Miami High. Elizabeth Echevarria isn’t used to having 4 different blocks. “After 3rd block I think I have to go home, but there’s still one more block left,” she said.
“You have more freedom,” said Antonia Cervantes. “There isn’t a teacher that’s always with you like in middle school.”
Freshman Keyla Romeo said that high school classes are more challenging and there’s a lot more homework. Erick Ochoa noticed how you have to wake up earlier but get to leave earlier too.
Making the Decision
There are many reasons why Baby Stings picked Miami High as their high school. Geraldine Ruiz said, “Everyone tells me Miami High is a great school, and that there are great people.”
Diana Solis said that she is following in her family’s footsteps. George Lanza came because he wanted to join our soccer team. Bryan Alfonso said, “It’s my homeschool; I had no other choice.”
Benefits of High School
With a complete change in their environment, our Baby Stings had many things that they actually enjoyed about high school. Michael Moreno said, “All the after school activities are great; there’s something for everyone.”
Luis Martinez likes how they have a huge variety of sports to play. Bryan Alfonso said that having a new start is the best thing about high school.
High School Flaws
Everything can’t be all fun and games. The freshmen have already felt some of the downsides of high school life. George Lanza said, “These years are the most important years because it determines whether or not you have a future. There’s no time for slacking.”
Keyla Romeo said that her classes are very stressful.
Antonia Cervantes said, “I hate waiting in line to get my lunch. It is way too crowded and people always skip me.” Britney Cruz complains that the school is way too big and there are too many people.
Erick Ochoa said, “I wish we could leave campus to go eat Burger King during lunch.”