Miami High's Free News Network Run by Students

Miami High News

Miami High's Free News Network Run by Students

Miami High News

Miami High's Free News Network Run by Students

Miami High News

Advice from upperclass men to under class men!
Advice from upperclass men to under class men!
By Joshua Guerrero, Staff Writer • June 5, 2024

When I first started high school, I always wondered how much impact it would have on me such as being involved in sports, clubs, and school spirit related activities. I also used to want help navigating...

From left to right: Treasurer Katherine Aragon , 1st VP Claudia Fonseca, Secretary, Nelissa Herrera, and Dr. Hueck.
SGA 2023-2024
By Stephanie Romero, Staff Writer • May 30, 2024

    Student Government Association (SGA) President Samantha Gonzalez reports that SGA had several improvements and changes compared to last year. First, she reports that SGA has grown, especially the...

A Stings Success in Nursing School
A Sting's Success in Nursing School
By Keilly Martinez, Editor • May 23, 2024

    Miami High alumna Ashley Martinez is almost a licensed nurse whose journey from Miami Dade College to Jackson Memorial Hospital shows strength and kindness in healthcare.  Ashley’s Nursing...

Miami High Seniors from Shenandoah Middle that got Academic Honors.
Class of 2024 - Embracing New Beginnings
By Stephanie Romero, Staff Writer • May 3, 2024

       The students who had their 8th grade year cut short and missed the experiences of starting 9th grade year because of Covid-19, are officially seniors. As they get ready to enter...

Dealing with Stress as a Student
By Braynon Gay, Editor • May 3, 2024

     The time in which a student attends school is a time of self-discovery alongside the hefty workload, relationships, and uncertainty of what the future holds. A common struggle amongst students,...

Marijuana Effects on Athletes
Marijuana Effects on Athletes
By Miguel Arredondo, Staff Writer • May 1, 2024

         High level athletes like Kevin Durant, Conor McGregor, and Michael Vick have admitted to marijuana use. They’ve stated the positive effects marijuana has had on them, leading to many...

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Miami Highs wrestlers and coaches.
Miami High's Wrestling Team
By Miguel Arredondo, Staff Writer • February 28, 2024

        Miami High’s wrestling team kicked off their season in the first...

Media day photo.
Boys Basketball 2023-2024
By Joshua Guerrero, Staff Writer • February 28, 2024

   Boys' basketball coach Mr. Humberto “Tico” Govea reports that the team’s...

Romari against Columbus in the District Championship.
Romari Robinson Heading for Success!
By Joshua Guerrero, Staff Writer • February 28, 2024

        Junior Romari Robinson is a star basketball...

Girls volleyball team group photo
Girls Volleyball Team
By Elizabeth Solar, Editor • December 20, 2023

The girls' volleyball season ended on October 17, of 2023, and they worked hard throughout...

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SNHS Full Group Photo (Including the incredible advisor Dr. Yoham)
SNHS Brief
May 3, 2024