The Men in the Red Ties
If you ever pass by room 1221 on a Tuesday afternoon and hear these final words, you have just witnessed the 5000 Role Models of Excellence prayer.
“The 5000 role models is a mentorship club,” said advisor Mr. BrBorich, “where we develop young boys to become men, and we do that by exposing them to other people’s experiences. That’s what the field trips are for, to benefit them in the future.”
Many of the field trips the 5000 role models attend are to colleges, prisons, and places where they can hear inspirational speeches, so they can become better men.
There are no requirements to join the club. “All you have to do is come to the meetings and participate in club activities,” said Mr.BrBorich
Club president Alejandro Wilson said that meetings are held every other Tuesday after school in Mr. BrBorich’s room (1221). They have 50 active members, and are hoping for more.
People join for different reasons. “I joined the club to learn how to be professional and learn to become a better person,” said junior Luis Aguilera. Freshman Jorge Lanza said that a friend told him about the club, and he found it very interesting, so he decided to join.
Mr. BrBorich inherited his position as the club’s advisor, and he would not give it up because of the appreciation he gets from the role models. He wants to guide them in the right direction to be successful in life.
“The vision I’m striving for this club is that the role models become good men in society, instead of a menace to society,” said Mr. BrBorich
There are difficulties in guiding young teens to become better men in the future, since there are so many things out in this world that distract them. Mr. BrBorich said, “The biggest challenges I face with the role models are steering them to the right direction, keeping them out of trouble, and trying to change the bad reputations that some of them have from school.”
Being part of the club has its benefits. “My favorite part is that it is an educational experience. They have made me into an educated, well-mannered young man. Every field trip is an eye opener,” said junior Jampier Iniguez. “I like learning from other people’s mistakes.”
Sophomore Carlos Castillo said, “I like the fact that I get to dress up formal, and getting to learn about valuable factors in life.”
Junior Christian Gomez said, “I love the field trips, which represent us as a club and help us be more united.” Sophomore Victor Fernandez also likes the field trips. “They are very educational; the prison field trip really had me thinking about myself, how to be a better person.
Every other Wednesday, you see the role models dressing up with their button up white shirt, black slacks, and red tie. Sophomore Victor Fernandez said that it’s mandatory to dress up when they’re going on a field trip. Otherwise you won’t be allowed to go.
Obviously with their bright red ties they stand out from the crowd. “When I dress up I feel special because I’m representing my club and I know that I have set a good example of myself,” said junior Christian Gomez. Victor Perez feels like a true role model to others that people can look up to when he is dressed up.
Junior Luis Aguilera said, “I do like the fact that we get to dress up because I get to feel professional and when people see the tie, they automatically know who we are and what we are associated with.”
Many of the members have been part of the club since their freshman year; others recently joined, but what they all have in common is that they have changed physically or mentally. First VP Jeffrey Fino said, “I’ve became more responsible and a mentor to my fellow members, which made me become a better person.”
“I’ve matured mentally; I now focus on my school work to become successful in the future,” said treasurer Wilbert Bernadeau.
Some Role Models take on leadership positions in the club. First VP Jeffrey Fino said that he wanted to become an officer because he wanted to make sure that his members stayed on the right path.
President Alejandro Wilson loves his position because it shows that he’s a good leader, who is willing to take control and can help others who are struggling.
Being a part of the 5000 Role Model in some ways makes you a role model to others. Junior Nathaniel Arias said, “I do see myself as a role model because I have not set a bad example to my little brothers.”
Junior Luis Aguilera said that he sees himself as a role models because he feels he has set a good example to those that surround him and will be a good example to the future generations.
Martin Jackson • Jan 16, 2017 at 11:43 am
Where can I buy a neck tie for my group