Future Kings Get Their Rings!
The excitement in the faces, the stunning outfits already picked out, the nonstop chit chat with your friends, and the day that seemed so far away… You can’t wait to get your hands on that ring.
The Junior Ring Ceremony, which took place January 21, is a rite of passage that many juniors look forward to. For most, the ring ceremony symbolizes a new beginning as they will soon be seniors ready to leave high school behind.
“It’s a heartfelt moment for you and your family, and it’s a special memory you take with you,” said junior Tatyana Garcia.
According to Class of 17 President Headly Cash, “Students should buy the ring in order to keep the memories as you move in the path of life and to show people that you bleed blue and gold wherever you go.”
Despite the expensive prices, juniors have reasons for purchasing their rings. “The ring represents my accomplishments up until this moment in my life,” said Maria Olivas.
Randy Gregorio said, “The ring means that I’m officially an upperclassman, and it’s bound to be an unforgettable experience from high school.”
However, not everyone has hopped on the ring bandwagon. Kelsi Velarde didn’t buy a ring because she feels it’s useless and prefers saving money for her senior activities.
Those that did decide to buy the ring wanted to design it in their own style. Adrian Gandara got his pride sign, the school stone, and the symbol for water polo.
Emily Mondelo got her class year, the photography symbol, and the school mascot.
Randy Gregorio got the front of the school, a musical note, and KRG written on the inside.
Unfortunately, some ring buyers regret their decision. Mohammad Hamad said, “I don’t want the ring anymore. I only bought it because at the time, everybody wanted one.” He admits he fell into peer pressure, and if he could, he would go back in time to get his money back because he thought it was a waste.
Prices for the ring vary. According to Junior Class president Headly Cash, prices can range anywhere from $100 to $3000 depending on the type, size, material, things added, and the type of gold.
Students got the ring money different ways. Stephanie Mondragon paid $1000 for her ring, money that her mom gave to her. Similarly, Emily Mondelo paid $535 that came from her dad’s pocket. Adrian Gandara paid $550 which he got from his job and his mom pitching in.
Junior Class sponsor Mr. Portuondo, who along with the junior class officers was in charge of the preparation for the ceremony, said, “This is something we’ve done for so long that we can put it together in a week or 2 with help from ring supplier Herff Jones.”
Before the ceremony started, all juniors were told to go inside the cafeteria where they had a chance to sign a banner to “leave their mark”. As the night progressed, they were told to stand outside the theater until they were able to walk inside.
After Mr. Portuondo said a few words, junior Ailema Perdomo sang the national anthem. “It was a moment of life and I enjoyed it like there’s no tomorrow. It was a humbling experience and I’m very thankful to the officers and Mr. Portuondo,” said Ailema.
After Junior Class officers gave touching speeches, juniors had a chance to walk through the giant ring on the stage before receiving their rings. Once all the juniors had been given their rings, assistant principal Mr. Arscott counted to 3, and they all put their rings on at the same time as confetti was shot from above.
Headly Cash said, “The turning of the ring symbolizes the chain of the class. If done together, the class will have strength and unity from the ring ceremony to graduation and through life.”
By the end of the night, all the juniors were satisfied with their ring. Ailema said it felt like New Year’s because of the confetti and everyone cheering.
“I loved [the Ceremony] it was like taking a step further towards my future. I just wish they would’ve let us walk on stage with our friends like in groups,” said Jazzlin Gomez.
Diego Reyes feels that they should’ve called out everyone’s name as they were walking through the ring not when they were on stage waiting to go through the ring.
Regardless, the Ring Ceremony was a wonderful experience for all those who participated, definitely one for the books. It was one of those events from your life that’s very memorable and you never forget. Seniors, prepare to be dethroned by the fellow Class of 2017.