Rock with me at Sadie’s
“Star light, star bright, be mine at Sadie’s tonight.” It’s the famous Winter Wonderland/Sadie Hawkins dance where the girls ask the guys.
This year, it was held on December 11th and about 240 students danced the night away, from 7:30 p.m. to midnight in the East Patio.
I went
People went to the dance for different reasons. Sophomore Carlos Castillo went because his best friend Joy asked him out and also because he wanted to enjoy a Friday night with his friends.
SGA Recording Secretary Nancy Miranda said, “SGA hosted it, so all the officers had been planning it for a while, and all of us were just very hyped to go and have a night to remember.”
Junior Kelly Banegas enjoyed dancing with her friends to the bachata songs.
Senior Scarlet Garcia said, “I learned how to play dominos and I’m a very competitive person so I had fun winning.”
Spreading out the word
Spreading the word about the dance was a success. SGA advisor Ms. Puentes said that the SGA officers announced the dance through flyers, banners, social media and WMHS.
The preparation for the dance was very stressful but successful. “We decorated it by getting a couple of senators and ROTC cadets to help put up lights and strings for the snows flakes, put cotton balls on the bushes and trees to imitate snow , and tape snowflakes on the wall,” said SGA 2nd VP Angel Espinoza.
The tickets were sold for $5 during both lunches outside the activities office, in the covered lunch patio, and outside the treasurer’s office. In the end, over 250 tickets were sold by class and SGA officers, and about 247 students attended the dance, earning SGA over $500 in profit.
The dress code was semi-formal and food was provided for purchase. During the dance SGA sold pizza, Class of 17 sold beverages, and Class of 18 sold desserts.
Assisting SGA sponsor Ms. Puentes were chaperones including activities director Ms. Rivero, English teachers Ms. D. Suarez and Ms. Herris, Beta sponsor Dr. Hueck, administrators Mr. Arscott and Mr. Zabala, and Class of 2011 alumni Raymond Rodriguez.
Ask out
Sadie Hawkins is when instead of the guys asking the girls to the dance, the girls have the opportunity to go all out it to ask the guys. “I was not nervous at all because I already had everything settled down,” said junior Wendy Arrillaga. “I asked Olvin Villatoro after we took the Interact pictures in the gym. I got up, went outside the gym, and my friend had the poster and the cupcake ready for me. After I went inside the gym, he saw the poster and gave me a hug, and everyone said, Aww. The banner said, ‘Olvin I’m wondering if you are free to fly with me to Sadie’s. I hope you won’t back out!’”
SGA president Melissa Carcamo said, “It was awkward when I asked my close friend Juan during lunch to the Sadie’s dance because I was the first person to ask someone out to the Sadie dance so no one really knew what was going on.” Her banner said, “Wheel you Interact with me at the dance?”
Boys’ reactions after being asked out by their significant others varied. Olvin Villatoro said, “I expected it, but I thought it was bold of her to do it in front of everybody.”
When Junior Jamilee Yern asked her date out, she found his reactions were really cute. ”He was shocked, but happy that I asked him out,” she said.
Junior Randy Gregorio said, “I was shocked when I got asked out during lunch because I didn’t expect it, but overall I was happy.”
Pros and Cons
At the dance there is always something that lights up the night. “My favorite part was around 8 when everyone was already here, saying the dance was lit and posting snaps,” said SGA president Melissa Carcamo. “ I felt really proud of it.”
SGA Recoding Secretary Yoyslaisi Fernandez liked when everyone started dancing the cha cha slide and also when SGA advisor Ms. Puentes started dancing to “Watch Me” by Silento.
However, there are things that can ruin the mood of the night. Junior Victor Perez said that he expected more people to show up and that the music could have been better.
Sophomore Leonardo Guerra said that the only thing he didn’t like was when everyone started to leave and it got empty.
How to change it up
Students had some suggestions to improve the dance next time. Sophomore Dayana Pineda said that she would change the DJ because he didn’t know how to mix the songs together or set up a vibe.