KRG: More than just a Rapper
“Now I don’t usually fall for someone this quickly, this easy.
Your smile’s everything, you make me look cheesy.
But as soon as I got you, I was cuffed, don’t free me.
And I always pray to God that you don’t ever ever leave me.”
If you have heard these lyrics before from a song called “Stupid Love”, then you should know who the writer and rapper of this song is. He is part of the Beta club, and everyone knows him as KRG, also known as junior Randy Gregorio, potentially the next famous rapper of our generation.
“Rapping is really fun,” he said. “I like being a little show off and expressing what I feel through this kind of poetry.”
Although Randy is a talented rapper, he is also an amazing piano player. He started playing piano at the age of 4. He is not picky when he plays piano; he said that he plays classical, pop, hip-pop, and even some dub step songs back when it was popular in middle school.
Even though he plays any type of song, he prefers playing “River Flows in You” by Yiruma. “I like the smooth rhythm that it introduces, and then the level of difficulty at its climax makes it great for showing off,” he said.
His piano skills have improved ever since he started. “My parents used to force me to play piano for at least one or two hours a day until I was 12. Now, I don’t play as much; I play when I’m bored and have time,” he said. “Summer is usually when I put in the most of my time for piano and rapping.”
KRG’s rapping career started last year when he was a sophomore. “My brother told me I should do something unique while playing piano to separate myself from the pack. So, I decided to rap while playing piano, but now I rap over beats like an ordinary rapper,” he said.
Something must have sparked Randy to become a rapper in the first place. “At first I only rapped in order to gain an advantage in Miami High’s Got Talent where I won third place last year along with Carolyn Flores,” said Randy. “But people kept telling me that I rap well and that I should keep doing it, so that motivated me to continue.”
Even though he recently started his rapping career, he has recorded 5 songs and got a few thousand views on Sound Cloud, but he is hoping to record professionally this summer.
At times it’s difficult to maintain good grades and keep your rapping career going, but for KRG, nothing is impossible. “It isn’t hard balancing rap and school,” he said. “School will always come first because I’m constantly getting homework so there’s barely any time for rapping. Besides, my studio partner moved to Wyoming, and it costs a lot of money to record professionally, and the money just isn’t there right now.“
Randy’s family is behind his music career. “My family is 100% in support of me rapping. Music is in our blood,” he said. “When my father was still in Guatemala, he was part of a famous 80’s band called ‘La Banda FM Zacapa’, which specialized in Spanish music and they’ve gone on tour all around Guatemala and in several major cities in the U.S. “ Randy’s dad sometimes makes Randy perform at family parties.
He enjoys performing at Miami High because he has developed a small fan base, and that’s where his rapping career all started. In order for rappers to feel appreciated, the audience needs to cheer for them, and that’s exactly what happened to Randy when he performed “Stupid Love” at Miami High for the Hispanic Heritage show in October 2015. “That was definitely my best performance because it was in school and the auditorium was packed. Everyone was singing along, and I received lots of love for that performance,” Randy remembers.
Like any young rapper, Randy has his role models. “Those who know me know I’m a die-hard J.Cole fan. I love his style of rapping, and he is a great lyricist. He is my idol when it comes to rapping,” he said. Another rapper he listens to is Filthy Phil when he feels like getting a little “educational”. On the other hand, Randy’s least favorite rapper is Chief Keef. “Some of his songs get me hyped, but overall I can’t stand listening to his music,” he said.
Randy still does not know if rapping will be part of his future. All he knows is that anything can happen and all it takes is a song to blow up and you could be seeing KRG performing in Times Square. But, to be realistic, he knows that his future involves scrubs, clinics, and kids.
You might have notice that Randy is taking EKG and Allied health classes at Miami High. That’s because he is going to major in pediatrics and pharmacology. “I’ve always been interested in medicine,” he said. “I love babies and children, so I feel like I would do what I love and earn good money by becoming a pediatrician.”
Randy is an overachiever taking high level classes. Besides EKG/Allied Health, he takes U.S. history honors, Pre- calculus honors, physics honors, AP English language, AP Research, and Dual Enrollment Fitness. Although those classes are really tough, Randy still maintains a 4.2 weighted GPA.
It’s a struggle to deal with AP and Dual Enrollment classes because it takes dedication and patience. Randy is an expert in dealing with these type of classes. “ It’s not all that bad if you’re okay with pulling an all-nighter at least once or twice a week,” he said.
The most difficult class he’s taking this year is definitely AP Research. “We’re pretty much conducting our own research study all by ourselves,” he said. “It’s like throwing a baby into the ocean and praying that it’ll swim.”
His favorite subject is math because it satisfies him when he solves the problems right. His favorite teachers include Ms. Puentes and Ms. Cardona in English, Dr. Hueck in chemistry, and Mr. Rosales in U.S. history. Also, his favorite year has been this one, 11th grade, because it has been his best academic and social year.
Throughout your high school experience people change for the better or for the worse physically and mentally. Randy thinks that he has drastically changed for the better. “I think my freshman year I was pretty odd, and I felt out of place all the time and tried to fit in too much. Sophomore year I was starting to gain confidence socially,” he said. “Towards the end of sophomore year I feel like I broke out of my shell because that’s when I started performing in front of an audience and gaining recognition. This year, I feel like I’m just being myself, and so far it’s been the best year.”
Randy is not only a student at Miami High but also a member of a club that bleeds black and gold. A member of the Beta club since his freshman year, he joined because they were the most spirited club in the homecoming parade and in the pep rallies. Additionally, Beta’s black and gold colors caught his attention.
Randy is hoping to earn the Florida Bright Futures scholarship and attending Florida State University, but if that’s not the case, then he will attend Miami-Dade College and see his options from there.
Randy Gregorio, 16 years old, was born June 4, 1999, in Miami, Florida. “Representing 305 all day,” he said. Both of his parents are from Guatemala.
He attended Citrus Grove Elementary and Citrus Grove Middle.
His favorite sport is basketball, and he is a die-hard Miami Heat fan; his favorite movies are The Longest Yard and Spiderman (the original one). Also, he loves watching “Family Guy” and “That 70’s Show”. His favorite foods are baby back ribs, chicken wings, and fries.
Aside from rapping, Randy likes to go out to places like the movies or the beach with his friends, play 2K, play Call of Duty with his brother and friends, and play basketball at Curtis or Melrose Park to stay active.
There are people who will always have a spot in your heart because they have been a major influence in your life. Randy admires J.Cole, Dwayne Wade and his brother because of their humility. “They’ve just been in my life all the time and their personalities rub off on me,” he said.
Randy gets along with everybody. “I feel like I can fit in with anyone. I don’t care about your reputation or how popular you are, I’ll talk to you regardless,” Randy said. “I’m not shy to talk to people and make friends. That’s rare these days.”
KRG’ s Songs on Soundcloud: Kingrandy_23
- Dreamz
- Classic
- Go Back to Sleep
- Stupid Love
- Butterfly