SGA does it all!
Have you participated in the Paint-A-Can day? What about the Senior Auction? Wonder why the Winter Wonderland Sadie Hawkins dance was such a success? Do you know why Sting Idol was such a big hit? This was due to the hard work and dedication of the Student Government Association!
What is SGA?
There is no doubt that you’ve heard about the most influential organization in the school, SGA, which stands for Student Government Association. According to SGA Advisor Ms. Puentes, they’ve been here since the school was formed. They are the voice of all the students, regardless of grade level.
The Student Government Association also represents the school when meeting with important community leaders such as MDCPS Superintendent Alberto Carvalho or US Secretary of Education John B. King Jr.
What have they done?
SGA is responsible for many of the fun activities at Miami High including Paint-A-Can, United Way Penny War, Senior Auction, Sting Idol, the Sadie Hawkins dance. They’ve also organized community service opportunities available to all Stings such as a food drive to make Thanksgiving baskets for needy families.
This year, for the first time, SGA held a successful carnival on March 17th to which all students were invited, with many activities such as pie throwing at teachers, the famous dunk tank, and even a fun-loving sack race.
Activities continued till the end of the school year. Ms. Puentes said that the annual Class Night on May 25th salutes senior achievements. Also, the Hope Tote initiative which collected hygiene products for homeless individuals wrapped up at the end of the year.
Who is SGA?
The Student Government is led by SGA president Melissa Carcamo, 1st Vice president Zarai Huete, 2nd Vice president Angel Espinoza, Treasurer Pablo Iraheta, Recording secretary Nancy Miranda, Corresponding secretary Yoyslaisi Fernandez, and Historian Claude Joseph.
There are many benefits of being an SGA officer. “I’ve made a family here and lifelong friends,” said Melissa Carcamo. “I’ve also learned important qualities in being a leader.”
SGA, however, is not just fun and games for its leaders. According to Yoyslaisi Fernandez, “The most challenging thing is to balance academics and working on school events.” She also points out that since the officers see each other nearly every day, they can sometimes get moody, but ultimately they put their differences aside and work as one big happy family.
What do you think about SGA?
Many at Miami High approve of the SGA’s work. Principal Mr. Valdes said, “They do a great job of communicating and representing students here at the school; they bring ideas and suggestions based from their student colleagues for us to take into consideration. They aim to make the student body experience a memorable one!”
According to sophomore Kevin Ayala, “They help our community; I believe their message is to help people and students.”
Freshman Travis Pittman said, “I think they help young teens become greater people than what they are, and they have a great positive effect on the school.”
Advanced Placement Biology teacher Dr. Yoham said, “It is important for students to have a voice to the teachers and administrators. Being in SGA also helps in the real world when picking a leader and making important decisions.”
People here also have ideas about how SGA could improve its work. Kevin Ayala said, “If they held more student-based activities, then they could become more known.”
Senior Geovani Solano believes they should do something about the school lunch.
The New Faces of SGA
As the 2015-16 school year comes to a close, the new SGA officers are ready to take over the school: Pablo Iraheta as SGA president, Anthony Rattigan as1st VP, Genesy Leiva as 2nd VP, Jessica Garcia as Corresponding Secretary, John Gonzalez as Recording Secretary, and Brianna Rodgers as Treasurer.
SGA president Pablo Iraheta has always looked up to past SGA presidents. “You must have experience, dedication and passion in order to do this, and I think I do have those things,” he said.
Second Vice President Genesy Leiva said, “I plan to change a couple of things like raising school spirit and helping the school become one. I want to work together to make the school not just a place to learn but a second home.”

Christian Nathan Lozano, 17, a senior in Journalism 4 at Miami Senior High school. He enjoys community service, food, magic, and trying new things. He...