Senior Crowns

Since they are the kings and queens of Miami High, they must have crowns. Senior Crowns Week was held on August 19 through the 26th.
Sharon Villasanti said, “I loved my crown, and I took a lot of pride in wearing it. High school was a great experience, and I have finally reached my final year. Lots of kids drop out or don’t try hard enough and aren’t able to make it to senior year or even graduating on time, and wearing my crown made me feel happy that I can add on to my list of achievements.”
Senior Elizabeth Davila said, “At first I felt weird because I didn’t see a lot of seniors wearing a crown but then I got over it because I wanted to everyone to know that I was a senior and show pride!”
“I took pride in it because now that I’m a senior, every other lower classman shall bow down to me,” said Jean Manco. “I felt like I was another step closer to my goal, which is graduating.”
However, some seniors chose not to make a crown at all. “I think making a crown is wack,” said Jose Lopez. “I didn’t want to look like a clown on my last first week of high school.”
Likewise, Jeffrey Fino said that he didn’t really care much for making a crown. All he is looking forward to for senior year graduating.
Many seniors admired their classmates’ crowns. Estefany Velazquez said, “My friend Emily went over the top with feathers and stickers and glitter. She had a consistent theme which was villains.”
Carlos Moreno said, “My favorite crown of all was the one Adrian Gandara made because it had all the activities he does like BETA, swimming, water polo and the Marines.”
Elizabeth Davila gave a shout-out to the crowns made by Jenser Salazar, Kevin David, and Angie Betancourt.
About 100 seniors came out to the Senior Crown event on Friday, August 19. Senior class advisor Ms. Rivero said that she didn’t buy any new supplies for the event. “I used the supplies from the activities office, but I spent about $500 for the food and drinks,” she said.
Stephanie Mondragon said, “It was the week before school actually started; therefore, it was fun coming to see a couple of people and the pizza really satisfied me.”
Class Treasurer Karina Garcia, said, “It went smooth. I took the time to make my own crown and participate in the event with the student body. Since we had ordered so many pizzas, we had a lot of leftovers for me.”
How long it took to make a crown depended on the decorations and the creativity of each student. For senior Tiffany Cruz, “It took about an hour and a half.”
Sharon Villasanti said, “I started on the last Friday of summer and finished Sunday before school. It took me the whole weekend.”
Estefany Velazquez said, “It took me like 30 minutes. I actually did it early because I didn’t want to procrastinate.”
Crowns usually have decorations on what students like to do or want to do. Carlos Moreno added Class of 2017 and his officer position as BETA President.
Estefany Velazquez said, “My theme was graduating and getting my diploma, so I put a bunch of diplomas and cap and gowns.”
On the other hand, some students kept their crowns plain. Maria Maldonado said, “I tried to keep it as minimalist as possible.” Sharon Villasanti said, “Since I started so late I didn’t get to buy all the decorations I wanted.”
Some students think the Senior Crown event can be improved. Carlos Moreno suggests having more seniors wearing them. “Because this year I barely saw seniors wear them, even on the first day,” he said.
Maria Maldonado added, “I think the event could have been made better if the crowns would have been worn during the second week of school. Seniors could have come in any day of the first week to make their crowns, giving them more time to make one since some went on vacation.”
Estefany Velazquez said, “You could have made the event better by showcasing all the best crowns showing the students’ hard work on their crowns.”
Sharon Villasanti complained that, there weren’t many materials available. Some more for everyone to use would be better.On the other hand, some were happy with the event. Senior class Secretary Jean Manco said, “I can’t complain about how the event went because everything went well. I couldn’t ask for more.”