Class and Club Jerseys!

The class officers with their jerseys.

“Wow, what a cool Interact shirt!”
“It’s not a shirt! It’s a jersey!”
“Shazam! You can get that?”
“Yep, your jersey is all about you!”
Wearing club jerseys and T-shirts has been a tradition at Miami High. Clubs wear shirts that represent them in a unique way using their club colors. Yearbook and TSA advisor Ms. Diaz said, “T-shirts show off creativity and the current style of the student. Jerseys are traditional and timeless.”
Price and cost.
Style comes with a price, and for class jerseys that is certainly true. The base price for a jersey is about $35. If you’d like to customize it with your own lettering and numbers, the price will go up about $2 for each letter, $4 for each number, and $1.75 for each symbol.
While T-shirts cost between $10-20, they aren’t as exclusive or as a personalized as jerseys. Despite the increasing cost of personalization, that doesn’t stop students from customizing their jerseys. BETA junior Alvaro Espinoza-Hueck got his jersey freshman year for about $60 with his mom paying for most of it and him paying a small portion.
Key junior Adanay Garcia got her jersey on 9/14/16. “My dad paid $66,” she said.
Senior majorette Kelly Banegas got a jersey last year and another one this year for about $70; her parents paid for them.
Photo by Ms. Zamora
Favorite thing and When to wear them.
Although not every club member has one, those that do have a favorite aspect about their jerseys and special moments when they want to wear them. BETA advisor Dr. Hueck said that only the most dedicated members of the club buy the jerseys.
“Wearing the jersey makes me feel proud,” said senior majorette Nexi Zuniga. “I feel like I’m part of something not just anyone is part of.”
“I wear my jersey during an important event in school, when I want to look pretty and because I want to represent Key,” said Adanay Garcia. “When I wear the jersey, I feel special. I feel like I am part of something big. I feel important.”
BETA junior Natalie Mandado said her club wears their jersey on the first day of school and for the pep rallies and football games to show school spirit.
What did you get?
The jerseys represent you as an individual so what’s on yours?
“I got ‘Cry baby’ on my jersey because I’m always complaining and the name fits nice,” Kelly Banegas said. “The number I picked was because it is my lucky number, and the heart because I liked it.”
Natalie Mandado got Trooper because her co-captain thought it was just right since Natalie was having trouble deciding, and 20 because it’s her mom’s lucky number.
Junior majorette Jonathan Diaz said, “I put ‘Tabula Rasa’ because I like the meaning of the word; it’s something unique. I put 22 on the back because it’s the day of my birthday.”
No matter what you get, you can always be sure that no one will have a jersey quite like yours.

Christian Nathan Lozano, 17, a senior in Journalism 4 at Miami Senior High school. He enjoys community service, food, magic, and trying new things. He...