Is five minutes enough time to get to class?
RING! RING! The bell has just rung to go to third period. You walk anxiously to your next class on the other side of the school. You only have five minutes to get there with everyone crowding the hallway, so you aren’t sure if you’ll make it in time. You make it to your class, but you’re late again, exhausted, and in trouble with your teacher.
Many students at MHS say that five minutes to go from class to class isn’t enough time. Ninth grader Kiara Fuentes said, “I’m nearly late to all my classes because of the extreme distances between classrooms.”
Sophomore Pamela Cardoza said, “Our school is over populated, and it’s not like the buildings are close together.”
Sophomore Rocio Landaverde thinks that the time should be increased because some students may need to stay after class to finish an assignment or to talk to their teacher.
On the other hand, some students think that five minutes is more than enough time to travel
between classes. Sophomore Briana Arroliga said, “If you’re really coming to school for the right reasons, you’ll get there on time, and anything you need to do outside the classroom you can ask the teacher once you’re there.”
A junior male who would like to remain anonymous said, “It is enough time if you just go straight to class without interruptions.”
Teachers and administrators all seem to agree. “I stand outside to greet my students, and it’s a long time standing out there. Even coming from building two and five, it’s enough time. If students need to go to the bathroom, they will ask to go once they get to the class,” said Culinary Arts 1/Fashion Design teacher Ms. Belony. “Students have to follow the student policy of being on time because it helps them learn how to be responsible for future moments.”
Assistant principal Mr. Zabala, who has worked at other big schools like Ferguson and Braddock Senior High where students don’t have enough time to get to their next classes, added, “If the bell rings and you walk straight to your class without distractions, five minutes is more than enough time in this school. All the distances in Miami High are reasonable.”
Indeed, it is possible to walk great distances at MHS and not be late. I tested it out by timing myself while the halls were empty. The first distance I traveled was from room 1217 to room 4107, which took 4 minutes and 2 seconds.
The second distance between room 7101 and 2101, which took 4:15. The third distance was from room 4107 to room 1213, which took 3:52. The last distance was from room 2101 to room 3328, which took 4:37. I must repeat, however, that the halls were empty when I did my tests.
Many students have suffered for being late. Freshman Traiana Dearmas said she got a warning from her teacher to not do it again. Senior Leonardo Rivera said he got a detention and had to serve it.
Pamela Cardoza said, “I got late to one of my classes and my name was put on the ‘off task’ board.” Senior Otto Portillo said, “I was pulled aside and was told if I was late again, I would be sent to the office.”