TSA advisor Ms. Diaz reports that their club is very pleased with their glow-in-the-dark homecoming shirts that they designed themselves. Also, their club picture will be taken on November 15. Ms. Diaz, who also sponsors the yearbook, says that clubs can start scheduling pictures during 5th and 6th period by making an appointment in room 2101.
TSA advisor Ms. Diaz reports that TSA will be having their first campfire holiday social on December 17th from 5 to 11 p.m. at their club president’s house. You can expect to eat s’mores, watch holiday movies, make paper snowflakes, and tell campfire stories. Anyone that would like to attend is welcomed and should bring blankets and stick for roasting marshmallows. TSA asks to please RSVP with either the advisor Ms. Diaz, the historian Jayde Garcia, or President Franco Chamorro.