Maxime Maheux is an auditor at Kaufman Rossin, but on October 17th he volunteered to be the Teacher-for-a-Day in Mr. Fertil’s French class because when he first moved to Miami in October of last year, everyone was very welcoming, and he wanted to give back to his community.
He taught the class about his hometown, Quebec City, Canada. “Quebec is the French part of Canada where it’s really cold and there’s a lot of snow,” he said. “I moved to Miami because I wanted to live in a warmer climate and my wife, who is from Bogotá, Colombia, wanted to be around a Spanish community.”

Maxime Maheux from Kaufman Rossin with Mr. Fertil’s french class.
Three days earlier, attorney-at-law Yolanda Strader visited English teacher Ms. Berrios’ fourth period class to lecture students on “Food Safety from the Legal Perspective.”
Maheux and Strader were part of the Great American Teach-A-Thon, a fundraising campaign organized by The Education Fund. Education Fund president Linda Lecht believes that teachers and the teaching workforce must be invested in. This year, they are aiming to raise $100,000 from the Teach-a-Thon, half of which goes toward school supplies, field trips and other classroom expenses for participating teachers. The other half goes to The Education Fund’s teacher support program. Miami High hosted four of these “teacher champions.”

Attorney Yolanda Strader lecturning to Ms. Berrios’ fourth period English class.
On October 25th, educational reporter at WLRN Rowan Moore Gerety volunteered to be a Teacher-for-a-Day because he believes teaching is very important work. He also wanted to see Dr. Underwood’s TV Production class and share his experiences. Gerety believes that Miami High’s campus is amazing. “The buildings and setting are beautiful,” he said.

WLRN Rowan Gerety working with WMHS’ Franco Hernandez.
Wrapping up the Miami High Teach-a-Thon visits Lisa Ruiz, a content marketing manager at Kaufman Rossin, visited Dr. DeNight’s journalism class as well as his Dual Enrollment: ENC 1101 class on November 7th. While she gave advice to journalists on how to write a good headline, she taught the ENC 1101 students about being concise while writing.
Ruiz spent most of the night before preparing her lessons, making PowerPoints, and going over what she was going to say to the students. “I really hope that what I came to share with students actually helped them. I hope I made a difference, even if it’s just a little one,” said Ruiz.

Lisa Ruiz from Kaufman Rossin with FIU Dual Enrollment class ENC 1101.

Jasmin is a senior and the Editor in Chief of the Miami High Times and is currently in Journalism 4 Honors.
Honors Awarded:
Outstanding New Journalist...

Juan is a senior in Journalism 3 who serves as Online Editor-in-Chief for the current year. Juan is the Vice-President for the Math Honor society (MAO),...