9th grade English studying Social Injustice

Reading coach Ms. Herris reports that in November and December 9th grade English classes focused on a unit on social injustices in the United States and the world. Teachers Mr. Jimenez, Ms. Peyno, Mr. Euceda, Ms. Llamas, and Ms. Fernandini all finished off with an excerpt from the book Night by Elie Wiesel. Each teacher had a themed classroom and rotated their classes over four days. Mr. Jimenez was assigned Propaganda and Media; Ms. Peyno, Resistance and Hope; Mr. Euceda, Concentration Camp; Ms. Llamas, Social Experiments; and Ms. Fernandini, U.S. Bystanders. Each of these themes had connections to the Holocaust. The teachers not only taught their own students, but every ninth grader, which is about 780 students. The planning to make the experience happen took a month and officially started November 14 and ended November 19. The purpose of the unit was for students to experience something outside of just reading a text, making them feel as if they were going to a real museum. “It was to give them an experience that was beyond just paper and pencil work, while still aligning curriculum,” said Ms.Herris.