F.E.A. Goes to State!
February 23, 2017
On Friday, January 20th, Miami High’s Future Educators of America (F.E.A.), which was close to becoming extinct in 2014 when Ms. Berrios became advisor, embarked on a journey to their State Conference in Orlando, the final step in a turnaround that included being awarded Best Chapter Overall in South Florida in 2015 and Best Interest Club at Miami High in 2016.
Miami High’s F.E.A. registered with the Florida Department of Education as an official F.E.A. chapter of the state last school year, and, in that process, learned about F.E.A.’s annual State Conference, but at the time, they did not have enough money in their budget to attend.
In April of 2016, Miami High’s F.E.A. elected a new executive board that had a clear goal of attending the state conference. As soon as the dates came out, their current chapter President Ariel Trueba started researching information and the expenses. F.E.A. asked principal Mr. Valdes for economic support, and he agreed to pay for five competing members to attend the three-day conference.
It was 9 a.m. when President Ariel Trueba, Corresponding Secretary Cesar Flores, Historian Marlon Banegas, Historian Graciela Hernandez, member Samantha Jiron, advisor Ms. Berrios, and chaperone Mr. Jara departed Miami High in a rented van on their way to the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando.
The Conference Begins
When the conference officially started at 5:30 p.m., Miami High’s F.E.A. already had their Chapter Display up with very colorful graphics along with an LED-lit heart. Chapter Display is one of the most interactive competitive events where different F.E.A. chapters make a trifold display describing what they do at their schools and how it pertains to the conference theme, “Teaching is a Work of Heart.”
As the conference started, the 2017 F.E.A. State President Jessica Pepe from Bayside High School delivered her Welcome Address to thank everyone who had made her four years wonderful. Later on, Miami High’s Ariel Trueba delivered his campaign speech as he was running for 2018 F.E.A. State President.
Later, the Brevard District 2016 Teacher of the Year Mr. Mark Peters led an ice-breaker activity where everyone in the room had a different color rag and had to find other people in the room with the same colors. The first conference day ended around 9 p.m. with Miami High’s F.E.A. members eating a late night dinner at a nearby Denny’s.
Breakout Sessions and College Night
The next day after breakfast, everyone had to attend a breakout session of their choice. I attended the “iWrite My Story Movement” led by Miami-Dade County Public Schools 2017 District Teacher of the Year Ms. Precious Symonette, the only Freedom Writers certified teacher in the state of Florida. The purpose of her session was to show others that writing is important whether it is writing in a daily journal or writing about whatever interests you. Ms. Symonette’s Freedom Writers at Miami Norland Senior High School actively participate in their community by reading, acting, etc.
Last but not least, F.E.A. attended a session titled “B.E.L.I.E.V.E.” moderated by the 2014 Florida Teacher of the Year Ms. Dorina Sackman, who taught middle school ESOL classes in Orange County. She spoke about the impact she has had as a teacher on different students that come from all over the world. She taught them English, and she still maintains contact with them. Besides being a moderator, she was also the Mistress of Ceremonies for all three days at the conference.
Saturday’s events concluded with a College Night where many Florida colleges and universities attended and gave information, especially about their education programs. In the evening, Miami High’s F.E.A. headed over to Kobe Japanese Steakhouse for dinner.
The Big Day
Sunday morning began with keynote speaker, Ms. Diane McKee, the 2016 Florida Teacher of the Year, talking about “Raise the Bar” which is a method to motivate students to do better by having a bar near the roof which students have to touch before entering class.
Sunday was the most nerve-wracking day filled with excitement because it is when everyone finds out what they are awarded in the different competitive events.
As the awards ceremony began, the 2018 F.E.A. state officers were announced with Ariel Trueba winning Vice President with the second highest number of votes among presidential candidates.
Soon after, they were starting to announce the speech competition results. “In first place from the high school division, from Miami Senior High School, Cesar Flores,” said with excitement the Mistress of Ceremonies Ms. Sackman. Cesar also placed second in the Lesson Plan competition. Samantha Jiron was awarded third place in the public service announcement competition.