Planning for the Future with the Career Club

The career club with the Miami Dade College Inter-American Campus dean at a college fair on February 24th.
February 24, 2017
One of the scariest moments that students may experience is walking out of graduation with their diploma in hand and saying, “What’s next?”
When students do not graduate with a plan, many will have to consider settling for low income jobs in order to support themselves while likely continuing to live with their families. At Miami High, every Sting graduates with a plan, and that is why the Career Club is here to help, making sure that all Stingarees are on the right path towards going to college or pursuing a technical degree.
“The club was started by the students for the students to provide opportunities for the student body. We wanted to be all inclusive and provide support for all students,” said science teacher Mr. Jara, the club’s co-advisor with history teacher Ms. Orly Garcia.
Even though this club does not specifically target college preparation, they provide information on college entrance exams and more. President Brianna Rodgers, a junior, said, “The plans for this club are to provide as much information to students as possible through workshops and seminars on a variety of topics such as ACT and SAT practice tests and sign up information, the difference between a college major and a minor, FAFSA information, and much more.”
“The Career Club offers guidance to those who need help finding a career they want to follow, and for those who’ve already set a goal, we offer college tours, job openings, and further assistance,” said Historian Manuel Zambrano.
“The 10 dollar fee to join the club goes to club shirts, college tours, resource materials for the members, etc.,” said Treasurer Azhar Moihdeen.
People join the Career Club for different reasons. “I joined in order to receive help with the college process,” said junior Keeilyn Vicente.
Junior Claudaisha Sherman joined the club in order to prepare for her life after high school.
“The club itself is very enriched with information that has helped me take my college entrance exams,” said member Ariel Borges, another junior.
The club is very flexible with the students and does not have many requirements. “Our meetings are held every other week on Thursdays, in the back of the media center right after school. Anyone can join, they just have to fill out an application and turn it in to either the advisors or the officers,” said class of 2018 Representative, Kency Herrera.