What Irritates Miami High’s Students?

Source: https://avornia.files.word.press.com/2009/09/annoyed.jpg?w=500
May 31, 2017
Everybody gets annoyed. This may result in fists being flown or just moving on with these annoyances hovering above our heads.
Pet Peeves
At Miami High, we all have different pet peeves, some school-related. For 11th grader Nayib Jorrin, it’s incompetent people that aren’t at all focused on the lesson being taught. Junior Rossel Meraz adds, “It annoys me when no one cares about what’s supposed to be done.” Sophomore Alexa Melendez says she gets irritated when people spell or pronounce her name wrong. Freshmen Steven Mencia says unfunny teachers that try to relatable are his peeves. Not being able to partake in certain events bothers 10th grader Harold Magdalena.
Outside the classroom, junior Mona Odeh is irritated when she doesn’t catch the ball during a basketball game. Senior Thomas James said that the drivers in Miami are what make him want to scream. 11th grader Justin Flores says, “It’s annoying when people talk smack behind my back.”
Boiling Point
Students in Miami High seem chill and nice, but how many buttons do you have push for them to self-destruct? Senior Brauny Rodriguez says that he got angry from a girl touching his hair, and this led to him having a heated discussion with her. 11th grader Alex Morel says, “I’ve never gotten in trouble, but I have punched walls and other things before.” Senior Angelica Castellon says, “I have hit doors, thrown things, and ranted at home.”
Moving Forward
Perhaps the best way to relieve oneself of these inconveniences is by moving away from them. For junior Anastasia Rojas, rock music is what helps her cope with the irritating world around her. Junior Elizabeth Rivas says, “I don’t cope with it; I just complain about it.” Junior Erik Mayor says that he sits down in his chair and tries his best of his abilities to ignore it all.
Error 404 — Irritated
Students might have a way to get away from their problems, but what about those who can’t escape? Junior Diego Padua says, “When I do my homework, I can’t focus on it due to the flying bugs getting in my space.” Junior Melanie Tobar says that she gets occasionally vexed from her irritations, which are people talking too loud. Junior Humberto Larios says that when he becomes accused of something that he has not done, he can no longer work due to the exasperation of it.
Nayib Jorrin • Jun 1, 2017 at 2:59 pm
Cool I was mentioned in this.