September 1, 2017
Chorus teacher and Glee Club advisor Ms. Cid reports that an Open Mic Event will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at 6 p.m. in the Little Theater, room 1305. Auditions for the event will happen on Wednesday, September 6, from 2:30 to 4 pm in the Chorus Room (4208). Sign-up for auditions on a list on the door of room 4208. The event is open to anyone in Miami High. Performers enter for free, but tickets will be sold at the door for $5 for everyone else.
Chorus is also selling shirts for $20. They’re navy blue with gold sleeves. The logo is “MHS Chorus – Take notes and we will sing them”. Chorus students get officer positions or voice parts on the left sleeve. The sale is open to non-chorus students who get “#1 Fan” on the left sleeve. Shirts will be sold in the chorus room (4208), pre-sale only until Friday, September 8th.