Chorus/Glee Club

By Adriana Gutierrez

Chorus teacher and Glee Club advisor Ms. Cid reports that an Open Night Mic Event will be held on Thursday, October 26, at 6 p.m. in the Little Theater (Drama Room 1305). Auditions for the event took place on October 11th from 2:30 to 4 pm in the Chorus Room (4208). The event was open to anyone in Miami High. Performers enter for free, but tickets will be sold at the door for $5 for everyone else.

Chorus is not selling any more long-sleeved club shirts for $20. They’re navy blue with gold sleeves. The logo is “Miami HS Chorus – You take notes and we sing them”. Chorus students get officer positions or voice parts on the left sleeve. The sale was open to non-chorus students who got “#1 Fan” on the left sleeve. Chorus might do another pre-sale in the future.