Open Mic Night with Chorus/ Glee Club

Kevin Martinez singing and playing guitar on the first Open Mic that took place on October 26.

By Adriana Gutierrez, Layout Editor

Chorus teacher and Glee Club advisor Ms. Cid reports that they will host their second Open Mic Night on Thursday, December 14, at 6 p.m. in the Little Theater (Drama Room 1305). Auditions for the event will take place on November 29 from 2:30 to 4 pm in the Chorus Room (4208). The event was open to anyone in Miami High. Performers enter for free, but tickets will be sold at the door for $5 for everyone else.  Also, Chorus, Guitar and Piano will be hosting the Miami High Winter Concert on December 7, at  7pm. Entrance fee at the door is $5. (By Adriana Gutierrez)