The “Class President” – Erick Flores
February 27, 2019

Senior Erick Flores is someone you should take note of. From being a good student to standing for issues around the world, he is someone who should be recognized in our school.
Student Life
Erick loves being a student at Miami High. He said, “I’m so proud of being able to study in this great place called Miami High because I love the opportunities that Miami High gives me as a student.”
Always up for the challenge, Erick has been taking only honors classes since his freshman year although having struggles in science. Erick’s favorite classes are English and math because they helped him develop great skills in writing and critical thinking.
He is a treasurer for WMHS, and an active club member of: 5,000 Role Models, R-Tech, HIP, GSA, Million Dollar Band, GenLx, and WMHS.
Erick’s involvement with GenLx and HIP is something he is very proud of. He said, “One of my greatest accomplishments is being able to publicly speak in front of over 100 people about global issues such as poverty and inequality and also being mentor some teens about living a healthy lifestyle.”
School isn’t easy for Erick. “I’ve had too much stress because I want to meet the deadlines teachers put out, but it’s a workload,” he said. Erick believes he isn’t an excellent student. “There are so many opportunities I’ve missed because I was afraid of failing,” he said.
Erick believes he was shaped by his mentor Isael and his teachers Ms. Berrios and Dr. Underwood that have challenged him through his life. He credits his English and TV production teachers for his developing a passion for politics, which made him want to speak for others who don’t have a voice.
Erick Flores was born in Honduras but grew up in Miami where he attended Shalom Bilingual School from grades 1st to 5th. He attended middle school in Citrus Grove and Lincoln Marti. He chose to come to Miami High because he loved the architecture.
Just like everyone, Erick has regrets. When asked what he would do differently in his life, he said, “I would fix ALL the mistakes in my life from 8th grade to Junior year. For example, when I told my mother I was able to handle four clubs all at once, but I got too stressed and I wish I would have listened to her.”
Outside of School
Erick’s hobbies outside of school involve his passion for computer science and politics, which have always interested him, even as a child. Over the years Erick has enjoyed debating political issues and policies.
In Erick’s free time he loves to study about global issues such as poverty in America, feminism, abortion (Pro-Choice), school shootings and how to prevent them, fascism in America, and the school system. He loves to expand his knowledge on things that he isn’t aware of.
Erick’s Future
Erick has high expectations for himself and plans to become a politician. He said, “I plan to get a major in political science, as I truly care for people’s well being, and as far as education, I would like to get out of my comfort zone and study abroad.”
Just like everyone else Erick has fears for the future. He said, “I’m afraid that anything from my plan after high school could begin to fail.”
When asked if he does accomplish his goals how would he liked to be remembered, he said, “I’d like to be remembered as a person who always advocated for social changes like how to decrease poverty in America.”
5 fun facts about Erick Flores
- Major passion – music
- Backup job – music teacher
- Favorite song – “St. Jimmy” by Green Day
- Favorite color – blue
- Favorite fruit – apple