Who Inspires US
February 27, 2019
What do Chrissy Teigen, David Beckham, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ashton Kutcher, and Angela Davis all have in common. They have all influenced one of your fellow Miami High Stingarees.

Many people are inspired by celebrities and prominent figures in sports and politics. Junior Thais Maradiaga looks up to New York’s 14th District U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she’s progressive, she cares about her constituents and her policies are inclusive to minorities and marginalized groups.
Maradiaga is inspired by Cortez. “She redefines what a politician could be for me, a young Hispanic woman who got into law because she saw the disconnect between politicians and people, which resonates with me,” she said.
While Maradiaga looks up to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who is a political figure, senior Ilia Valdes has looked to up to actor Ashton Kutcher since she was in 7th grade because he started a website to help girls who are victims of sex trafficking.
Junior Yaneilys Ayuso looks up to community organizer Angela Davis because, “She found it in herself to be a voice in the black community. Most leaders recognized throughout history are men; however, she influenced many as a black woman and continues to inspire activists from all backgrounds.”
While some are influenced by political figures and activists, others are influenced by celebrities. Senior Wendy Alfaro looks up to actress Chrissy Teigen, who is very family oriented, down to earth, and doesn’t go by what’s trending, but by what she feels comfortable with. Chrissy inspires Wendy to be more politically active with what she says about the government on social media. Wendy has looked up to her since she joined social media 3 years ago.
Senior Kevin Severo looks up to comedian Kevin Hart because his charisma makes people laugh easy. Severo would like to be as funny and likeable as Hart is.

Others are influenced by minor celebrities. Senior Jonathan Rodriguez looks up to Chilean video game player Gonzalo Barrios because he overcame hatred and roadblocks like moving to the United States from a poor family in Chile and never gave up his passion for playing video games. This has kept Jonathan more involved in his passion for a particular video game.
Even though a lot of people don’t get to meet the prominent figures they look up to, they can imagine what meeting their hero would be like. Senior Carlos Mejia said if he met soccer star David Beckham, he would ask Beckham to give him advice.
If Thais Maradiaga ever met Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she would thank her for the visibility she gives working class Hispanic women. “I would tell her that I would want to pursue law and politics if Congress was more like her. She would also tell her that she is interested in a political career because of her.
If Jonathan Rodriguez were to met Gonzalo Barrios he would want to talk to him about his experience and how he overcame his struggles and criticism he’s gotten from others.
Senior Wendy Alfaro said if she had a chance to meet Teigen she would hug her, thank her, take a picture with her, and ask her for advice. If Ilia Valdes ever met Ashton Kutcher, she would ask him how he managed to make an impact in the community and also get his autograph.