Ms. Delgado: Making History, Teaching History
October 21, 2019
Miami High is a great school and an A school. One reason for this is all the alumni who are now teachers. One of those alumni is Ms. Ada Delgado Kow, class of 1993, and one of the great 9th grade history teachers. She teaches her classes with the most enthusiastic energy and her corny teacher jokes and goes out of her way to help the ESOL students learn and pass.
Ms. Delgado is an amazing history teacher. Believing her teaching methods are great, she likes to keep her students focused and makes them engage with one another in group work. She makes her learning easy because she explains every assignment well to the point where if you fail her class, it’s on you for not paying attention.
Ms. Delgado teaches 9th grade world history, and to answer the question some people may have, “NO” history was not her favorite subject in high school. She very much liked to learn science. I know that’s weird, loved science in high school but decided to teach history, so what encouraged her to become a history teacher? The thing that sparked her interest was not in high school but through her college classes in economics and American history because of the way her teachers were teaching each lesson.
While some teachers have a favorite class period, she does not because she thinks that every class either excels or flunks depending on the lesson that she is teaching. “I started teaching in 2000 at Miami Springs Middle School until August 2015 when I transferred to Miami High” said Ms. Delgado. In total Ms. Delgado has been teaching a whopping 19 years, 15 years in a middle school and 4 years in a high school.

Born in 1975 in Mantanzas, Cuba, to a family who struggled economically, Ms. Delgado always had the things she needed. When she came to Miami, she attended Shenandoah Elementary school and Shenandoah Junior High—at that time middle schools where called junior highs. She went on to Miami High where she graduated in 1993.
In high school Mrs. Delgado took all four years of health science, and her class was the first to ever to attend the hospital volunteer visits and where she got to rotate through different departments in the hospital in 1992 and 1993. Her favorite memory at Miami High was her geometry class just because her teacher was the best, but the funny thing is she does not even remember her name.
One of her toughest memories was when she remembers that they started school 2 weeks late in 1992 because of the tragic hurricane Andrew which left 65 people dead.
When Ms. Delgado is away from the stress of her job, she likes to watch HGTV, read, craft things, watch “Game of Thrones”, and go to Target’s dollar section. A mother of two kids, she says parenting is a stressful job because she is trying to make them in to good young adults. During summer break she and her family go to the west coast like Fort Myers and then spend a week at the beach.
Ms. Delgado