A Mix of Passions at MHS
Sophomore Julio Contrera’s dream is to become a successful singer and to sing in front of crowds of people.
February 21, 2020
A cherished aspiration, and ambition, or an ideal is the dictionary definition of “dream.” To freshman, Joseph Sevilla, “It’s something you’re passionate about.” For senior Katherine Quezada, a dream is a “Life I would like to form.”
A famous singer

Miami High students are striving every day to one day achieve their dream and become who they want to be in life. Sophomore Julio Contreras’s dream “is to become a successful singer and have the opportunity to perform in front of crowds of people.” His dr
eam came to be because singing is what he enjoys doing and it helps to unstress himself.
“There are many people who have helped form my dream but the person who influenced it the most was an old friend, who convinced me to take choir as an elective,” said Julio, “and from there, I’ve been taking the class and enjoying it and the people I meet through it.”
The reptile specialist
Senior Nikita Infante is also in the process of accomplishing her dream to “Help people understand there is nothing to be scared about when it comes to snakes.” She always had a love for snakes, but ever since her trip to the zoo in 4th grade, she became eager to clear up any misconceptions people have about those slithery reptiles.
During her trip she saw that people were afraid to touch a snake, and she was confused as to why. Nikita states that she is currently in the process of understanding the genetics of a ball python and other breeds. This is all to further expand her knowledge on snakes to build the foundation of her dream.
She wants to help others
To junior Kayleen Laniez, a dream is “Something that catches your attention and is something you want to do in life as well as something that is intriguing to you. Your dream is something you need to be proud of and need to achieve.”
Kayleen’s dream is to help other people, especially those with mental illnesses. She said, “I know people go through things and they always have something going on.

Everybody needs to understand why they’re feeling like this and to get to the root of the problem.” Kayleen wants to make people happy. She said, “It’s so good to see people transform from being in the state of not wanting to do anything to wanting to do things and pushing themselves every day.”
Kayleen went through things and witnessed the transformation firsthand. Seeing how her whole life changed drastically from one thing to another made her feel good. Kayleen gives thanks to her mom for being there for her and always supporting her.
Future psychologist
“A life I would like to form, to be happy and satisfied,” is senior Katherine Quezada’s meaning of a dream. Hers is to make people feel less alone. The role she wants to play is to be something like a psychologist.
“If you’re in need of a friend, I’m more than happy to be the one,” Katherine states. She says it’s all because, “I’ve been there before, where I needed a friend, and I wouldn’t want anyone to feel that way. So, I wish I can help reduce that feeling one way or another.”
She finds her inspiration through people who give motivation. Though she hasn’t started to pursue her dream, she will in college.
A message to all Miami High students: if you have yet to find what your dream is in life, go out and explore. Find your purpose in life. There is a lot the world has to give.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”- Harriet Tubman, an American abolitionist and political activist
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”- Langston Hughes, an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist