BETA marching in the Homecoming parade.

BETA Vs. Honoria

“A little rivalry is healthy,” says Ms. Aragon. “It sparks the intensity and passion for your club.”

“Being an alumna, I see Honoria as an open door of opportunities for future leaders,” said Honoria advisor Ms. Aragon, who graduated from Miami High with the Class of 2012.

BETA advisor Dr. Hueck, referring to his club, said, “Our motto is achievement, character, and leadership. We also do a lot of community service, we create leaders, and we want people to be well rounded individuals.”

You heard it here first—both BETA and Honoria have amazing goals for their members and incoming students. But being the top clubs of the school, there’s always going to be some competition. Healthy competition, right?

Rivalry, competitiveness, fighting to be club of the school—BETA and Honoria have had rising tension for years. The school will say it’s the big 4 of the school, but it’s really the big 2. These clubs have the most spirit, impact, and passion for their club, which can be amazing observing from the outside in, but what is it like from the inside?

“A little rivalry is healthy,” says Ms. Aragon. “It sparks the intensity and passion for your club.”

Homecoming Season

The craziest time of the year for these clubs is homecoming. It’s the time where the most paint, glitter, paper and even dance moves are pulled—all in the effort to be most spirited and number one club of the school. Not only do they have to show their spirit during the week, but these two clubs have to perform against each other to win in the parade. BETA has won the parade for 9 consecutive years and Honoria is itching to beat them, with all love and fairness.

Dr. Hueck said, “I guess everyone wants to say their club is the best; we also show a lot of spirit. Both BETA and Honoria have the most school spirit. Our BETA members at any events, they will blow your mind with their spirit.”

Mario Zeron, the BETA second vice president, said, “The fight to be the best of the school, the club of the school. What drives us the most is homecoming.”

Leanna Monem, President of BETA, said, “I think there’s rivalry because they’re a family and we’re a family, so it’s like we are set up to go against each other.”

BETA presenting their performance to the judges.

What is BETA?

BETA is a national honorary service society that originated from the BETA charter in 1954. It is a service club, and they do services about three times a month. To be in this club, you need a 3.0 GPA. Club president Leanna Monem said, “We are an honor society, so our GPA requirement is higher than Honoria, and we do get the more academically accomplished.”

Though the academic expectations are higher, BETA members still have just as much fun. “I like the people. Everyone is great and nice, fun to hang out with, the services, socials, and meetings,” said BETA secretary Roberto Ramirez.

BETA vice president Isabella Rivera said, “I think we have so many members and we come out the most. The black and gold shines over every other club, we have the most spirit, and we’re always excited to be here!”

Honoria working hard on their West Side Story themed float.

What is Honoria?

Honoria is a service club, but they would also say that they are the spirit club of the school. Honoria was created in 1948, and it used to be an all-women’s service club which used to be called the Honoria Honeys. Boys who wanted to be a part of Honoria were called Sweethearts.

“Honoria is a place where students can strive to better themselves and become a greater version of themselves,” said Honoria historian Francely Martinez.

“Honoria has made me more responsible being an officer because we must take care of a lot of things especially during homecoming season,” said Honoria vice president Maricarla Santos. “It gives you more school spirit because you want to be involved in all school games and pep rallies. Honoria really represents a family because we are always together.”

According to Honoria officer Lynet Sanchez, “When I first joined Honoria, I wanted to make friends because I had seen everyone in Honoria be super close, and when you look into the club, you see that you have actual good friendships. Even when we fight, especially during homecoming, which is like a hectic time, we always come back to each other.”

The influence that these clubs have on students is impressive. “I joined Honoria freshman year because during homecoming, I saw how they looked like a happy family,” said Honoria secretary Alejandra Calderon. “I really wanted to be involved in school, so joining Honoria has made me more responsible. It was the best decision I ever made in high school.”

Honoria finishing their performance with a powerful scene.










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