Attendance Office

By Lila Esquivel, Staff Writer

In the attendance office there is a lot going on. Ms. Mabel Garcia, who is the main person in the attendance office, works with students’ absences, and she excuses them. She reports that attendance is important, and it is recommended for Stings to come to school every day. However, if you are sick, do not come, she said. Absences are increasing every day this month, mostly because students are getting sick. Ms. Mabel says there are about 500 excused notes she needs to put in, but she is working hard to do it. She also advises students that if they were absent and have an excused absence, to put their excuse in the bin box in the attendance office so you can be excused from that day “Make sure to put your ID number and name and include the date,” she said.  (By Lila Esquivel)