Miami Senior High Uniform Policy
June 2, 2022

We’re almost done with this school year, and something that most of us have talked about is the uniform policy. A lot of students spend time in CSI every day for breaking the dress code. But is this something that we should really worry about?
Some teachers believe Miami High could function without uniforms. Mr. Randy Jimenez, English teacher, thinks that the uniform policy is not necessary as long as kids know how to dress properly. He would even allow students to wear sweatpants.
Others, however, like having uniforms. Although Ms. Munguia, Algebra 2 teacher, thinks that students just want to be comfortable and most of them like wearing black clothes to because it’s easier to match, she said, “I personally do like uniform policy, mainly for students who can’t afford new clothes.” Nevertheless, like Mr. Jimenez, she would like to see sweatpants added to the school uniform.
ESOL teacher Mr. Garcia also thinks that students must adhere to uniform policy because they often worry more about what they are wearing than school. “It’s the age, a matter of fashion,” he said. ‘They just want to be trendy and noticed around school.”
Most of the students at Miami High have broken the uniform policy at least once. Mr. Jimenez thinks students break the uniform policy because for them it is not a big deal like breaking an important rule or getting in a fight.
Miami Senior High uniform policy
What to Wear
-Tops: Polos (navy, gold, white). MHS club jerseys, and other MHS t-shirts approved by the Activities & Athletic Office may be worn on Fridays.
-Undershirts & t-shirts under polos: Must be completely tucked into pants.
-Pants: Must be navy, khaki or blue jeans.
-Shorts: Bermuda shorts (knee-length) in navy, khaki or blue jeans.
-Skirts: Must be no shorter than 4” above the knee in navy, khaki or blue jeans.
What NOT to Wear
-Shirts that expose the midriff (stomach)
-Shirts or blouses covering the approved polo shirt or t-shirt
-Open-toed/open-back shoes (including, but not limited to flip flops and sandals)
– “Crocs” may be worn with the strap securing the back
-Caps, bandannas, and other head coverings
-Short skirts or shorts (with or without leggings underneath)
-T-shirts that have been cut/shredded (including removing the collar or sleeves)
-Low-cut or low-hanging jeans
-Oversized shirts
-Sweatpants, athletic pants or shorts and yoga/leggings dance attire type pants.