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SGA 2023-2024

From left to right: Treasurer Katherine Aragon , 1st VP Claudia Fonseca, Secretary, Nelissa Herrera, and Dr. Hueck.

    Student Government Association (SGA) President Samantha Gonzalez reports that SGA had several improvements and changes compared to last year. First, she reports that SGA has grown, especially the number of senators which has increased 3 times the amount compared to last year. Second, she reports that this year SGA brought back an event that wasn’t done the previous year called Clubfest. She states, “Clubfest is when we all come together regardless of our individual clubs, salute our seniors by reminiscing about our entire high school career, and recognize achievements our classmates have made.” 

     Samantha reports that one of the biggest challenges faced this year by SGA was not having their club advisor, Vicky Puentes. She states it led to “more difficulties in organizing events and having consistent motivation.” Thanks to the help of Junior Class and Senior Class advisors, Ms. Armas and Ms. Rivero, SGA managed to successfully organize events and overall succeed as much as it did.  

    Even though there were some challenges that the officers had to go through, there were also some great accomplishments. 1st Vice President Claudia Fonseca reported that one of the biggest accomplishments was taking a proactive role in community service and organizing several projects that benefited the school and local community. For President Samantha, another big accomplishment was how SGA managed to plan and execute several key events such as SGA’s Annual Winter Dance, Clubsgiving, The Flo Initiative, Stings Pay It Forward Service, Paint-a-Can, and Clubfest.  

    Student Government Association’s (SGA) Treasurer Katherine Aragon reports that being one of the 2023-24 SGA officers was a great experience that grew her leadership skills, and with this position she made memories she’ll never forget alongside President Samantha Gonzalez, 1st Vice President Claudia Fonseca, 2nd Vice President Shanik Valdes, and Corresponding Secretary Nelissa Herrera.  

    Now that the year has ended and the seniors are leaving, the new SGA officers are President Nelissa Herrera, 1st Vice President Dulce Zuniga, 2nd Vice President Yanese Ellington, Treasurer Maria Leyva, Corresponding Secretary John Chouza, and Recording Secretary Daniela Viera.  

    Moving forward to the 2024-2025 school year, SGA has a couple special plans with new President Nelissa Herrera. Samantha reports that SGA will continue to improve their membership and keep senators involved in all of SGA’s events. She hopes that the Student Court will improve next year because unfortunately it was not planned out successfully this year. 

   During the summer, SGA has always been active to start off the upcoming school year strong. SGA prioritizes creating ideas and events that could potentially be done such as services or club events. They will also be starting on the welcome back to school banners and monthly banners to represent SGA. Samantha states during the summer the new officers will also have time to “get to know one another and bond.” 

SGA officers want to recognize some senators that have made an impact this school year and deserve to be recognized. Luna Carrera is a senator that has been one of the most helpful and assisted in many banners as well as set up for multiple events. They mention how she has a humorous and fun attitude which ultimately helped SGA stay on the positive mindset.  

Another senator who deserves to be recognized is Christopher Pavon who also helped SGA tremendously. Whether it was SGA’s Winter Dance or Clubsgiving, he always offered to help, carried heavy supplies, and provided constructive input.  

Next, they would like to recognize Samirah Lens who was known as a good communicator and helped SGA be a more unified team, and helped set up for SGA events.  

Lastly, they’d like to recognize Jonathan Barban, Lisandro Iglesias, and Bryan Avellan who were important senators. With their upbeat and fun attitudes, they provided support and assisted SGA with setting up for events. The president states that all the senators and officers made this school year “one of the most memorable years in her life. 

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