Many times, when you have money and use it, you feel happiness, whether it’s going out to eat, buying clothes, or getting someone you care about something.
Many could also say that money isn’t a factor of happiness at all and that things such as family, relationships and God bring happiness. Many people in poor countries don’t have money and live off what they make and are still happy. So, is money the key to happiness?
Some of the reasons money brings happiness is because it alleviates stress, allows you to help others such as family and friends get the things they need or want. Senior Anton Curtis says, “Money has brought me happiness because I don’t have to worry about most problems that a lot of my friends have to worry about like getting a job, which allows me to focus on sports.” This allows him to be happy. My mother Denise Reyes said, “if I had money, I would be happier because I would be able to give my kids more and would not have to worry about things such as bills or whether I can afford to get us things we need.”
Senior Alyssa Alvarez said “money has made me extremely happy. When I see money, it gives me this ecstatic feeling. Money is better than love, that’s how it has made me happy! The only time I get sad about money is when I have to spend it. Other than that, I never get sad with money. Only happiness! It brings me joy and peace. It makes my bank account look very fat and wealthy. Also, all that hard work paid off too every-time I see that money hit my bank account.”
Even though money can make some happy, others feel that money isn’t a major factor in their happiness. Things such as family, friends and God can bring happiness unlike money can for some. Senior Danelly Rodriguez says “I don’t feel like money is the reason I get happy.
Money is good, but I feel that my connection with God and my family is what makes me happy.”
There are some instances where people do get the big sum of money that they have been wishing for and think it will bring them happiness. These instances are Lottery Winners. Some reports have shown that most of the time people who end up winning the lottery and getting that big sum of money don’t become happier and actually become more unhappy.
According to source “Callie Rodger’s” who won money in 2003 and did what anyone would do she treated her loved ones to presents such as cars, homes, and lavish vacations. In 2009, the Daily Mail reported that Rogers was facing bankruptcy. “I’ve just wanted to make people happy by spending money on them,” she told the tabloid. “But it hasn’t made me happy. It just made me anxious that people are only after me for my money.” She reportedly attempted suicide twice after winning it big”
Callie Rodger’s is now facing bankruptcy and has run through all the money she gained. Callie says “To make ends meet, she started working three cleaning jobs and moved in with her mother. “My life is a shambles and hopefully now [the money] has all gone I can find some happiness,” she said. “It’s brought me nothing but unhappiness. It’s ruined my life.”
All in all, I think that happiness can be interpreted in many different ways and the value of money can change from person to person. One may be happy without money and love living a simple life with family. Money and happiness correlate, but can money actually bring happiness? That’s all depends on the individual.