Honoria Kicking it Off

Ms. Aragon (left) with her new Honoria officers and Mr.Pimentel(right), the advisor that will be taking over and helping Honoria.

By Xochilt Coca, Staff Writer

Big changes are happening to Honoria this year. Honoria advisor Ms. Aragon is expecting her baby in less than a month and a half, and the club is ecstatic to welcome the new addition to the club.  However, she will be on maternity leave, leaving Honoria with no advisor.

Dealing with many responsibilities such as math department chair, Honoria advisor and being a new mother, she says, “If I were to come back, it would be around January, but I am not entirely sure.”

Homecoming being so early in the year, Honoria may seem like they have no guidance, but they do! Ms. Aragon has handed over the role of being advisor to some math teachers: Mr. Pavon, Ms. Llama, Ms. Wong, Mr. Pimentel, and Mr. Garcia as well as the many other teachers who will give a helping hand to the club in any way possible.

Honoria is confident with many helping hands that they can get through homecoming season. As the new school year is taking off, school activities are coming up; first pep rally of the year on August 26th, and the club fair on September 15th.