My Baseball Journey

Last Season JV game Me batting(Yellow Shirt)

By Lisandro Iglesias, Staff Writer

This journey of mine started at the age of 5 back when I used to live in Cuba. I had always been a fan of the sport since an early age. Due to this love, my mom put me in our local baseball team. The team was composed of kids that I had grown up with in the neighborhood, and we had 2 exceptionally good coaches. 

   Every day after school I ran to my house where my mom waited for me with all my baseball gear, and I was ready to head out to the field. I have profound memories of this time; you could say these were the funnest times I have ever had playing baseball. I made great friends that I will never forget about. 


   Fast forward to the year 2014. My aunt from the US made a family reunification application to bring my mom, my sister, and me to the US with her. Since getting to the US, I always tried to keep playing baseball, but that did not happen during the first couple years until my family situation became more stable. During my time off from the sport I got into a different sport, known as American football. 


  Miami Senior High School is where everything started again. The first year was a harsh year, because Covid was at its peak. Due to this epidemic, students were given options to either take class online or attend physically at school. I chose to attend school physically, and that first year was not easy. School academics were at their hardest due to having everything online. At the end of my 9th grade year, I found out that the school had its own baseball team.  

   So when sophomore year started, I found my way into the Miami High baseball team. For the first time in many years I was back to doing what I love most, playing baseball. I felt like I was finally back to being myself because baseball brings out the best in me. Words cannot describe how much I missed the sport; I felt that right when I stepped on the field for the first time. Old memories came back from when I was just a little kid, having fun doing what I loved, truly an amazing feeling.  

   My first year was pretty good. I got better than I used to be before coming to this team. My second season is about to start, and I could not be more excited because this is going to be a great season. Miami High brought me back to do the thing I loved most.  


5 Interesting facts 

. Born in Cuba 

. Started baseball at the age of 5 

. Came to the US in 2014 

. Graduation year 2024 

. Currently my second season on the team