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Miami High's Free News Network Run by Students

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Miami High's Free News Network Run by Students

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Advice from upperclass men to under class men!


When I first started high school, I always wondered how much impact it would have on me such as being involved in sports, clubs, and school spirit related activities. I also used to want help navigating through the school and wonder where the hangout spots were during lunch or passing periods, and what classes should I take later in the future. I’m willing to give the underclassmen advice about our school and high school itself.


Some advice that senior Angel Colon would give out to underclassmen is focus on your priorities such as school, work etc. “Believe and put in the work in whatever you want to do you will accomplish it.”  He said this means if you believe in yourself, and you put in the challenging work that is needed, then everything will fall into perfect place, but you must have confidence and work on your craft the right way.


Honoria president Xochilt Coca says, “Advice that I would give to lower classmen is to get as involved as you can, Along the way you meet amazing friends, make many memories and meet people who will help you succeed in your future.” She believes that getting involved will set you up for your future and help make your high school experience unforgettable.


Senior basketball player Gabriel Fernandez “In my two years here I have encountered many people who have tried to include me in drama and get me involved with things that do not flow with me”. “There has also been multiple occasions that negativity has been in front of me and instead of letting it tear me down, I remember the reasons why I’m here and how people always have my back. Don’t let adversity ruin you; you’re supposed to use fuel.”


Senior basketball player Daniel Lopez. He say’s, “First to let them know that this upcoming journey is not scary, do not be enclosed and isolated. Instead, be out there and enjoy your senior year, and cherish these milestones. Secondly do not be afraid to admit when you are wrong, We all make mistakes and make sure to ask questions Do not hesitate to ask for help. People are here to help you grow and learn.”

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